An Encylopedia Britannica Company


the /ðə/ before consonant sounds /ði/ before vowel sounds /ˈðiː/ when said with emphasis definite article
/ðə/ before consonant sounds /ði/ before vowel sounds /ˈðiː/ when said with emphasis
definite article
Britannica Dictionary definition of THE
used to indicate a person or thing that has already been mentioned or seen or is clearly understood from the situation
used to refer to things or people that are common in daily life
used to refer to things that occur in nature
used to refer to a particular unit or period of time
British used to indicate the day on which something happened or will happen
used before the name of a specific person, place, event, work of art, etc.
used to indicate which person or thing you are referring to or discussing
used in titles after a person's name
used before an ordinal number
used before a singular noun to refer in a general way to people or things of a particular kind
used to indicate the type of musical instrument someone plays
used before an adjective that is being used as a noun to refer to all of the people or things that have a particular quality
used before a plural noun to indicate that every person or thing of the kind specified is included
used before the plural form of a person's last name to indicate that all the members of the family are included
used to indicate that a person or thing is the best of its kind
used to indicate the most famous person having a particular name
◊ This sense of the is emphasized in speech.
used to refer in a general way to a specific type of activity
used to refer to a part of your body or clothing
informal used before a noun that refers to a person's family, job, health, etc.