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1 perfect /ˈpɚfɪkt/ adjective
1 perfect
Britannica Dictionary definition of PERFECT
[more perfect; most perfect]
: having no mistakes or flaws
see also picture-perfect
: completely correct or accurate
: having all the qualities you want in that kind of person, situation, etc.
[more perfect; most perfect] : exactly right for a particular purpose, situation, or person
often + for
always used before a noun : complete and total used for emphasis
2 perfect /pɚˈfɛkt/ verb
perfects; perfected; perfecting
2 perfect
perfects; perfected; perfecting
Britannica Dictionary definition of PERFECT
[+ object]
: to make (something good) perfect or better
3 perfect /ˈpɚfɪkt/ noun
3 perfect
Britannica Dictionary definition of PERFECT