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1 bark /ˈbɑɚk/ verb
barks; barked; barking
1 bark
barks; barked; barking
Britannica Dictionary definition of BARK
[no object] of a dog : to make a short loud sound
: to shout or say (something) in a loud and angry way
[+ object]
often + out
[no object]

barking up the wrong tree

: trying to do something in a way that will not be successful
2 bark /ˈbɑɚk/ noun
plural barks
2 bark
plural barks
Britannica Dictionary definition of BARK
: the short, loud sound made by a dog
also : a similar sound
◊ If your bark is worse than your bite, you appear to be more angry or dangerous than you really are.
compare 3bark, 4bark
3 bark /ˈbɑɚk/ noun
plural barks
3 bark
plural barks
Britannica Dictionary definition of BARK
: the outer covering of a tree
compare 2bark, 4bark
4 bark noun
or barque /ˈbɑɚk/
plural barks or barques
4 bark
or barque /ˈbɑɚk/
plural barks or barques
Britannica Dictionary definition of BARK
: a small sailing ship
compare 2bark, 3bark