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1 elder /ˈɛldɚ/ adjective
1 elder
Britannica Dictionary definition of ELDER
always used before a noun
: of greater age : older
Elder is usually used to describe people who are members of the same family.

the elder

used in comparing the ages of two people who are members of the same family
used to refer to the older of two people (such as a father and son) who have the same name
2 elder /ˈɛldɚ/ noun
plural elders
2 elder
plural elders
Britannica Dictionary definition of ELDER
[count] : a person who is older usually plural
[count] : a person who has authority because of age and experience
elders [plural] : old people
[count] : an official in some Christian churches
compare 3elder
3 elder /ˈɛldɚ/ noun
plural elders
3 elder
plural elders
Britannica Dictionary definition of ELDER
compare 2elder