440 Biographies
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Thomas Jefferson
3rd president of the United States
3rd president of the United StatesThomas Jefferson was the draftsman of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the nation’s first secretary of state (1789–94) and second vice president...
Benjamin Franklin
American author, scientist, and statesman
Benjamin Franklin was an American printer and publisher, author, inventor and scientist, and diplomat. One of the foremost of the Founding Fathers, Franklin helped draft the Declaration of Independence...
Otto von Bismarck
German chancellor and prime minister
Otto von Bismarck was the prime minister of Prussia (1862–73, 1873–90) and founder and first chancellor (1871–90) of the German Empire. Once the empire was established, he actively and skillfully pursued...
Niccolò Machiavelli
Italian statesman and writer
Niccolò Machiavelli was an Italian Renaissance political philosopher and statesman, secretary of the Florentine republic, whose most famous work, The Prince (Il Principe), brought him a reputation as an...
John Quincy Adams
6th president of the United States
6th president of the United StatesJohn Quincy Adams was the sixth president of the United States (1825–29) and eldest son of President John Adams. In his prepresidential years he was one of America’s greatest...
Gilbert Stuart: portrait of John Adams
2nd president of the United States
2nd president of the United StatesJohn Adams was an early advocate of American independence from Great Britain, a major figure in the Continental Congress (1774–77), the author of the Massachusetts constitution...
Peter Paul Rubens: self-portrait
Flemish artist
Peter Paul Rubens was a Flemish painter who was the greatest exponent of Baroque painting’s dynamism, vitality, and sensuous exuberance. Though his masterpieces include portraits and landscapes, Rubens...
Klemens von Metternich
Austrian statesman
Klemens von Metternich was an Austrian statesman, minister of foreign affairs (1809–48), and a champion of conservatism, who helped form the victorious alliance against Napoleon I and who restored Austria...
Pope John XXIII
Saint John XXIII ; beatified September 3, 2000canonized April 27, 2014; feast day October 11) was one of the most popular popes of all time (reigned 1958–63), who inaugurated a new era in the history of...
French statesman and diplomat
Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand, prince de Bénévent , prince de Bénévent was a French statesman and diplomat noted for his capacity for political survival, who held high office during the French Revolution,...
James Monroe
president of United States
James Monroe was the fifth president of the United States (1817–25), who issued an important contribution to U.S. foreign policy in the Monroe Doctrine, a warning to European nations against intervening...
George H.W. Bush
41st president of the United States
41st president of the United StatesGeorge H.W. Bush was a politician and businessman who was vice president of the United States (1981–89) and the 41st president of the United States (1989–93). As president,...
John Kenneth Galbraith
American economist
John Kenneth Galbraith was a Canadian-born American economist and public servant known for his support of public spending and for the literary quality of his writing on public affairs. After study at the...
Sir Francis Walsingham, detail of a panel painting attributed to John de Critz the Elder, last quarter of the 16th century; in the National Portrait Gallery, London.
English statesman
Sir Francis Walsingham was an English statesman and diplomat who was the principal secretary (1573–90) to Queen Elizabeth I and became legendary for creating a highly effective intelligence network. He...
Pablo Neruda
Chilean poet
Pablo Neruda was a Chilean poet, diplomat, and politician who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971. He is perhaps the most important Latin American poet of the 20th century. Neruda was the...
Hugo Grotius
Dutch statesman and scholar
Hugo Grotius was a Dutch jurist and scholar whose masterpiece De Jure Belli ac Pacis (1625; On the Law of War and Peace) is considered one of the greatest contributions to the development of international...
Eleanor Roosevelt
American diplomat, humanitarian and first lady
Eleanor Roosevelt was an American first lady (1933–45), the wife of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd president of the United States, and a United Nations diplomat and humanitarian. She was, in her time, one...
Hu Shih
Chinese leader and scholar
Hu Shih was a Chinese Nationalist diplomat and scholar, an important leader of Chinese thought who helped establish the vernacular as the official written language (1922). He was also an influential propagator...
Benjamin Netanyahu
prime minister of Israel
Benjamin Netanyahu is an Israeli politician and diplomat who served as his country’s prime minister three times (1996–99, 2009–21, and 2022– ) and is the longest-serving prime minister since Israel’s independence....
Pope Leo XIII
Leo XIII was the head of the Roman Catholic Church (1878–1903) who brought a new spirit to the papacy, expressed in more conciliatory positions toward civil governments, by less opposition to scientific...
chancellor of Sweden
Axel, Count Oxenstierna was the chancellor of Sweden (1612–54), successively under King Gustav II Adolf and Queen Christina. He was noted for his administrative reforms and for his diplomacy and military...
François-Auguste-René, vicomte de Chateaubriand
French author
François-Auguste-René, vicomte de Chateaubriand was a French author and diplomat, one of his country’s first Romantic writers. He was the preeminent literary figure in France in the early 19th century...
Raphael: portrait of Baldassare Castiglione
Italian author
Baldassare Castiglione was an Italian courtier, diplomat, and writer best known for his dialogue Il libro del cortegiano (1528; The Book of the Courtier). The son of a noble family, Castiglione was educated...
Pombal, Sebastião de Carvalho, marquês de
Portuguese ruler
Marquis de Pombal was a Portuguese reformer and virtual ruler of his country from 1750 to 1777. Sebastião was the son of Manuel de Carvalho e Ataíde, a former cavalry captain and former nobleman of the...
Shirley Temple
American actress and diplomat
Shirley Temple was an American actress and public official who was an internationally popular child star of the 1930s, best known for sentimental musicals. For much of the decade, she was one of Hollywood’s...
French diplomat
Ferdinand, viscount de Lesseps was a French diplomat famous for building the Suez Canal across the Isthmus of Suez (1859–69) in Egypt. Lesseps was from a family long distinguished in government service....
Flamininus, portrait on a Greek gold coin struck after 196 bc; in the British Museum.
Roman general and statesman
Titus Quinctius Flamininus was a Roman general and statesman who established the Roman hegemony over Greece. Flamininus had a distinguished military career during the Second Punic War, serving as military...
Joseph P. Kennedy
American businessman
Joseph P. Kennedy was an American businessman and financier who served in government commissions in Washington, D.C. (1934–37), and as ambassador to Great Britain (1937–40). He was the father of U.S. Pres....
Yitzhak Rabin
prime minister of Israel
Yitzhak Rabin was an Israeli statesman and soldier who, as prime minister of Israel (1974–77 and 1992–95), led his country toward peace with its Palestinian and Arab neighbors. He was chief of staff of...
Octavio Paz.
Mexican writer and diplomat
Octavio Paz was a Mexican poet, writer, and diplomat, recognized as one of the major Latin American writers of the 20th century. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1990. (See Nobel Lecture:...
George Mitchell speaking at the King David Hotel, Jerusalem, January 28, 2009.
American politician and diplomat
George Mitchell is an American politician and diplomat who served as a member of the U.S. Senate (1980–95), including service as majority leader (1989–95), and who later was special adviser to the peace...
Portuguese explorer
Pêro da Covilhã was an early Portuguese explorer of Africa, who established relations between Portugal and Ethiopia. As a boy, Pêro served the duke of Medina-Sidonia in Sevilla (Seville) for six or seven...
Itamar Franco
president of Brazil
Itamar Franco was a Brazilian politician who served as president of Brazil (1992–95). Franco was born on a ship off the eastern coast of Brazil, sailing from Rio de Janeiro to Salvador. His father died...
president of Nigeria
Olusegun Obasanjo is a Nigerian general, statesman, and diplomat, who was the first military ruler in Africa to hand over power to a civilian government. He served as Nigeria’s military ruler (1976–79)...
Mohamed ElBaradei.
Egyptian lawyer and government official
Mohamed ElBaradei is an Egyptian lawyer and government official who was director general (1997–2009) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and briefly served as the interim vice president of...
Donald Rumsfeld
American government official
Donald Rumsfeld was a U.S. government official who served as secretary of defense (1975–77; 2001–06) in the Republican administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford and George W. Bush. After graduating from...
John Bolton
United States government official
John Bolton is an American government official who served as national security adviser (2018–19) to United States President Donald Trump. Bolton previously was the interim U.S. ambassador to the United...
Rahm Emanuel
American politician
Rahm Emanuel is an American politician who served as an adviser to U.S. Pres. Bill Clinton (1993–99) before being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives (2003–09). He later was chief of staff (2009–10)...
president of Finland
Juho Kusti Paasikivi was a Finnish statesman and diplomat who, as prime minister (1918, 1944–46) and then president (1946–56) of Finland, cultivated harmonious relations with the Soviet Union in an effort...
Kennan, George F.
American diplomat and historian
George F. Kennan was an American diplomat and historian best known for his successful advocacy of a “containment policy” to oppose Soviet expansionism following World War II. Upon graduation from Princeton...
John Jay
1st chief justice of the United States
1st chief justice of the United StatesJohn Jay was a Founding Father of the United States who served the new nation in both law and diplomacy. He established important judicial precedents as the first...
Kurt Waldheim
president of Austria and secretary-general of the United Nations
Kurt Waldheim was an Austrian diplomat and statesman who served two terms as the fourth secretary-general of the United Nations (UN), from 1972 to 1981. He was the elected president of Austria from 1986...
François Guizot
French politician and historian
François Guizot was a French political figure and historian who, as leader of the conservative constitutional monarchists during the July Monarchy (1830–48), was the dominant minister in France. Guizot’s...
Stéphane Dion.
Canadian government official
Stéphane Dion is a Canadian politician who was the leader of the Liberal Party (2007–08). Dion was the son of one of the cofounders of Laval University’s political science department. He grew up during...
Bonaparte, Joseph
king of Spain and Naples
Joseph Bonaparte was a lawyer, diplomat, soldier, and Napoleon I’s eldest surviving brother, who was successively king of Naples (1806–08) and king of Spain (1808–13). Like his brothers, Joseph embraced...
Elbridge Gerry
5th vice president of the United State
5th vice president of the United StateElbridge Gerry was a signer of the American Declaration of Independence and the fifth vice president of the United States (1813–14) in the second term of Pres. James...
Matthew C. Perry
United States naval officer
Matthew C. Perry was a U.S. naval officer who headed an expedition that forced Japan in 1853–54 to enter into trade and diplomatic relations with the West after more than two centuries of isolation. Through...
Choiseul, Étienne-François de Choiseul, duc de
French foreign minister
Étienne-François de Choiseul, duke de Choiseul was a French foreign minister who dominated the government of King Louis XV from 1758 to 1770. Choiseul, the son of François-Joseph de Choiseul, Marquis de...
Holbrooke, Richard
American diplomat
Richard Holbrooke was an American diplomat who brokered the Dayton Accords (1995) to end the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina, served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations (UN; 1999–2001), and was...
Halifax, Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 1st earl of
British statesman
Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 1st earl of Halifax was a British viceroy of India (1925–31), foreign secretary (1938–40), and ambassador to the United States (1941–46). The fourth son of the 2nd Viscount...