189 Biographies
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Ulysses S. Grant
18th president of the United States
18th president of the United StatesUlysses S. Grant was a U.S. general, commander of the Union armies during the late years (1864–65) of the American Civil War, and the 18th president of the United States...
Robert E. Lee
Confederate general
Robert E. Lee was a U.S. Army officer (1829–61), Confederate general (1861–65), college president (1865–70), and central figure in contending memory traditions of the American Civil War. Robert Edward...
James Buchanan
15th president of the United States
15th president of the United StatesJames Buchanan was the 15th president of the United States (1857–61), a moderate Democrat whose efforts to find a compromise in the conflict between the North and the...
Abraham Lincoln portrait
16th president of the United States
16th president of the United StatesAbraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States (1861–65), who preserved the Union during the American Civil War and brought about the emancipation of enslaved...
Andrew Johnson
17th president of the United States
17th president of the United StatesAndrew Johnson was the 17th president of the United States (1865–69), who took office upon the assassination of Pres. Abraham Lincoln during the closing months of the...
James A. Garfield
20th president of the United States
20th president of the United StatesJames A. Garfield was the 20th president of the United States (March 4–September 19, 1881). He had the second shortest tenure in U.S. presidential history. When he was...
George Armstrong Custer
United States military officer
George Armstrong Custer was a U.S. cavalry officer who distinguished himself in the American Civil War (1861–65) but later led his men to death in one of the most controversial battles in U.S. history,...
Jefferson Davis
president of Confederate States of America
Jefferson Davis was the president of the Confederate States of America throughout its existence during the American Civil War (1861–65). After the war, he was imprisoned for two years and indicted for...
Stonewall Jackson
Confederate general
Stonewall Jackson was a Confederate general in the American Civil War, one of its most skillful tacticians, who gained his sobriquet “Stonewall” by his stand at the First Battle of Bull Run (called First...
Nathan Bedford Forrest
Confederate general
Nathan Bedford Forrest was a Confederate cavalry commander in the American Civil War (1861–65) who was often described as a “born military genius.” His rule of action, “Get there first with the most men,”...
William Tecumseh Sherman
United States general
William Tecumseh Sherman was an American Civil War general and a major architect of modern warfare. He led Union forces in crushing campaigns through the South, marching through Georgia and the Carolinas...
Frémont, John C.
American explorer, military officer, and politician
John C. Frémont was an American military officer and an early explorer and mapmaker of the American West, who was one of the principal figures in opening up that region to settlement and was instrumental...
John A. Logan
United States general and politician
John A. Logan was a U.S. politician, Union general during the American Civil War (1861–65), and author who played a pivotal role in the creation of Memorial Day. Logan served in both the U.S. House of...
Albert Sidney Johnston
Confederate general
Albert Sidney Johnston was the commander of the Confederate forces in the Western theatre during the early stages of the American Civil War (1861–65). His battlefield death was considered an irreparable...
George B. McClellan
United States general
George B. McClellan was a general who skillfully reorganized Union forces in the first year of the American Civil War (1861–65) but drew wide criticism for repeatedly failing to press his advantage over...
Lew Wallace
American author, soldier, and diplomat
Lewis Wallace was an American soldier, lawyer, diplomat, and author who is principally remembered for his historical novel Ben-Hur. The son of David Wallace, an Indiana governor and one-term U.S. congressman,...
Jubal Early
Confederate general
Jubal A. Early was a Confederate general in the American Civil War (1861–65) whose army attacked Washington, D.C., in July 1864 but whose series of defeats during the Shenandoah Valley campaigns of late...
Mary Ashton Rice Livermore
American activist
Mary Ashton Rice Livermore was an American suffragist and reformer who believed that woman being able to vote would help address social issues. s Mary Rice attended the Female Seminary in Charlestown,...
American relief worker and reformer
Annie Turner Wittenmyer was an American relief worker and reformer who helped supply medical aid and dietary assistance to army hospitals during the Civil War and was subsequently an influential organizer...
Clara Barton
American humanitarian
Clara Barton was the founder of the American Red Cross. Barton was educated at home and began teaching at age 15. She attended the Liberal Institute at Clinton, N.Y. (1850–51). In 1852 in Bordentown, N.J.,...
Robert Gould Shaw.
Union army officer
Robert Gould Shaw was a Union army officer who commanded a prominent regiment of African American troops during the American Civil War. Shaw was born into an immensely wealthy Boston family. His merchant...
David Farragut
United States admiral
David Farragut was a U.S. admiral who achieved fame for his outstanding Union naval victories during the American Civil War (1861–65). Farragut was befriended as a youth in New Orleans by Captain (later...
Jeb Stuart
Confederate officer
Jeb Stuart was a Confederate cavalry officer whose reports of enemy troop movements were of particular value to the Southern command during the American Civil War (1861–65). An 1854 graduate of the U.S....
Mary Ann Bickerdyke.
American medical worker
Mary Ann Bickerdyke was an organizer and chief of nursing, hospital, and welfare services for the western armies under the command of General Ulysses S. Grant during the American Civil War. Mary Ann Ball...
William H. Seward
United States government official
William H. Seward was a U.S. politician, an antislavery activist in the Whig and Republican parties before the American Civil War and secretary of state from 1861 to 1869. He is also remembered for the...
Sheridan, Philip H.
United States general
Philip H. Sheridan was a highly successful U.S. cavalry officer whose driving military leadership in the last year of the American Civil War was instrumental in defeating the Confederate Army. A graduate...
John C. Breckinridge
14th vice president of the United States
14th vice president of the United StatesJohn C. Breckinridge was the 14th vice president of the United States (1857–61), an unsuccessful presidential candidate of Southern Democrats (November 1860), and...
Belle Boyd.
Confederate spy
Belle Boyd was a spy for the Confederacy during the American Civil War and later an actress and lecturer. Boyd attended Mount Washington Female College in Baltimore, Maryland, from 1856 to 1860. In Martinsburg,...
Mary Edwards Walker
American physician and reformer
Mary Edwards Walker was an American physician and reformer who is thought to have been the first female surgeon formally engaged for field duty during the Civil War. She is the only woman to receive the...
Robert Augustus Toombs
American politician
Robert A. Toombs was an American Southern antebellum politician who turned ardently secessionist, served briefly as Confederate secretary of state, and later sought to restore white supremacy in Georgia...
Harriet Tubman
American abolitionist
Harriet Tubman was an American bondwoman who escaped from slavery in the South to become a leading abolitionist before the American Civil War. She led dozens of enslaved people to freedom in the North...
Charles Francis Adams
American diplomat
Charles Francis Adams was a U.S. diplomat who played an important role in keeping Britain neutral during the U.S. Civil War (1861–65) and in promoting the arbitration of the important “Alabama” claims....
United States general
LaFayette Curry Baker was the chief of the U.S. Federal Detective Police during the American Civil War and director of Union intelligence and counterintelligence operations. In 1848 Baker left his home...
Winfield Scott
United States general
Winfield Scott was an American army officer who held the rank of general in three wars and was the unsuccessful Whig candidate for president in 1852. He was the foremost American military figure between...
Stanton, Edwin M.
United States statesman
Edwin M. Stanton was the secretary of war who, under Pres. Abraham Lincoln, tirelessly presided over the giant Union military establishment during most of the American Civil War (1861–65). Admitted to...
Benjamin F. Butler
United States politician and military officer
Benjamin F. Butler was an American politician and army officer during the American Civil War (1861–65) who championed the rights of workers and black people. A prominent attorney at Lowell, Mass., Butler...
American political pamphleteer
Anna Ella Carroll was a political pamphleteer and constitutional theorist who claimed to have played a role in determining Union strategy during the American Civil War (1861–65). Carroll was a member of...
American social reformer
Abigail Hopper Gibbons was an American social reformer, remembered especially for her activism in the cause of prison reform. Abigail Hopper was born into a pious Quaker family with a deep tradition of...
John Singleton Mosby
Confederate military officer and statesman
John Singleton Mosby was a Confederate ranger whose guerrilla band frequently attacked and disrupted Union supply lines in Virginia and Maryland during the American Civil War. Reared near Charlottesville,...
Thomas, George H.
United States general
George H. Thomas was a Union general in the American Civil War (1861–65), known as “the Rock of Chickamauga” after his unyielding defense in combat near that stream in northwestern Georgia in September...
American physician and abolitionist
Martin Delany was an African American abolitionist, physician, and editor in the pre-Civil War period; his espousal of black nationalism and racial pride anticipated expressions of such views a century...
Matthew Fontaine Maury
American hydrographer
Matthew Fontaine Maury was a U.S. naval officer, pioneer hydrographer, and one of the founders of oceanography. Maury entered the navy in 1825 as a midshipman, circumnavigated the globe (1826–30), and...
Robert Smalls
American politician
Robert Smalls was an American war hero and politician who, during the American Civil War, commandeered a Confederate ship to escape from the South and later became the first Black captain of a vessel in...
Joseph E. Johnston
Confederate general
Joseph E. Johnston was a Confederate general who never suffered a direct defeat during the American Civil War (1861–65). His military effectiveness, though, was hindered by a long-standing feud with Jefferson...
Pinckney Benton Stewart Pinchback
American politician
Pinckney Benton Stewart Pinchback was a Black man who was born free and served as a Union officer in the American Civil War and a leader in Louisiana politics during Reconstruction (1865–77). He was twice...
American social worker
Jane Currie Blaikie Hoge was an American welfare worker and fund-raiser, best remembered for her impressive organizational efforts to provide medical supplies and other material relief to Union soldiers...
Porter, Eliza Emily Chappell
American educator
Eliza Emily Chappell Porter was an American educator and welfare worker, remembered especially for the numerous schools she helped establish in almost every region of the United States. Eliza Chappell...
William S. Rosecrans
United States general
William S. Rosecrans was a Union general and excellent strategist early in the American Civil War (1861–65); after his defeat in the Battle of Chickamauga (September 1863), he was relieved of his command....
Judah Benjamin
American politician
Judah P. Benjamin was a prominent lawyer in the United States before the American Civil War (1861–65) and in England after that conflict; he also held high offices in the government of the Confederate...
American Civil War agent
Elizabeth L. Van Lew was an American Civil War agent who, through clever planning and by feigning mental affliction, managed to gather important intelligence for the Union. Van Lew was the daughter of...