Diplomats, MUḥ-PHI

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Diplomats Encyclopedia Articles By Title

Muḥammad ʿAlī
Muḥammad ʿAlī was the pasha and viceroy of Egypt (1805–48), founder of the dynasty that ruled Egypt from the beginning......
Myrdal, Alva Reimer
Alva Reimer Myrdal was a Swedish diplomat, government minister, author, and advocate of nuclear disarmament. She......
Möngke was a grandson of Genghis Khan and heir to the great Mongol empire. Elected great khan in 1251, he was the......
Müller, Hermann
Hermann Müller was a statesman and leader of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) who was twice chancellor......
Nabuco de Araújo, Joaquim Aurelio Barreto
Joaquim Aurelio Barreto Nabuco de Araújo was a statesman and diplomat, leader of the abolition movement in Brazil,......
Nansen, Fridtjof
Fridtjof Nansen was a Norwegian explorer, oceanographer, statesman, and humanitarian who led a number of expeditions......
Napoleon I
Napoleon I was a French general, first consul (1799–1804), and emperor of the French (1804–1814/15), one of the......
Napoleon III
Napoleon III was the nephew of Napoleon I, president of the Second Republic of France (1850–52), and then emperor......
Narai was the king of Siam (1656–88), who was best known for his efforts in foreign affairs and whose court produced......
Narayanan, Kocheril Raman
Kocheril Raman Narayanan was an Indian politician and diplomat, who was the president of India from 1997 to 2002.......
Naresuan was the king of Siam (1590–1605), regarded as a national hero by the Thai people for having liberated......
Narses was the king of the Sāsānian Empire whose reign (293–302) saw the beginning of 40 years of peace with Rome.......
Nasser, Gamal Abdel
Gamal Abdel Nasser was an Egyptian army officer, prime minister (1954–56), and then president (1956–70) of Egypt......
Nebuchadrezzar I
Nebuchadrezzar I was the most famous Babylonian king (reigned 1119–1098 bce) of the 2nd dynasty of the Isin. In......
Necho II
Necho II was a king of Egypt (reigned 610–595 bce), and a member of the 26th dynasty, who unsuccessfully attempted......
Nectanebo I
Nectanebo I was the first king (reigned 380–362 bce) of the 30th dynasty of Egypt. He successfully opposed an attempt......
Negroponte, John
John Negroponte is an American diplomat, who served as ambassador to a number of countries, including Honduras......
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Jawaharlal Nehru was the first prime minister of independent India (1947–64), who established parliamentary government......
Nenadović, Matija
Matija Nenadović was a Serbian priest and patriot, the first diplomatic agent of his country in modern times. He......
Nenni, Pietro
Pietro Nenni was a journalist and politician who was leader of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI), twice foreign......
Neruda, Pablo
Pablo Neruda was a Chilean poet, diplomat, and politician who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971.......
Nesselrode, Karl Vasilyevich, Count
Karl Vasilyevich, Count Nesselrode was the foreign minister of imperial Russia (1822–56) whose policy toward the......
Netanyahu, Benjamin
Benjamin Netanyahu is an Israeli politician and diplomat who served as his country’s prime minister three times......
Neurath, Konstantin, Baron von
Konstantin, baron von Neurath was a German diplomat who was Adolf Hitler’s foreign minister from 1933 to 1938.......
Nguyen Tri Phuong
Nguyen Tri Phuong was a general dedicated to protecting Vietnam from European influence and military conquest by......
Nicholas I
Nicholas I was a prince (1860–1910) and then king (1910–18) of Montenegro, who transformed his small principality......
Nicol, Davidson
Davidson Nicol was a Sierra Leonean diplomat, physician, medical researcher, and writer whose short stories and......
Nicolson, Sir Harold
Sir Harold Nicolson was a British diplomat and author of more than 125 books, including political essays, travel......
Nicot, Jean
Jean Nicot was a French diplomat and scholar who introduced tobacco to the French court in the 16th century, which......
Niemöller, Martin
Martin Niemöller was a prominent German anti-Nazi theologian and pastor, founder of the Confessing Church and a......
Nixon, Richard
37th president of the United StatesRichard Nixon was the 37th president of the United States (1969–74), who, faced......
Noel-Baker, Philip John Noel-Baker, Baron
Philip John Noel-Baker, Baron Noel-Baker was a British statesman and advocate of international disarmament who......
Northcote, Sir Stafford Henry, 8th Baronet
Sir Stafford Henry Northcote, 8th Baronet was a British statesman and a leader of the Conservative Party who helped......
Novak, Michael
Michael Novak was an American lay theologian, economist, historian, and author who became a prominent neoconservative......
Nu, U
U Nu was a Burmese independence leader and prime minister of Myanmar (formerly Burma) from 1948 to 1958 and from......
Nuri al-Said
Nuri al-Said was an Iraqi army officer, statesman, and political leader who maintained close ties with Great Britain......
Nādir Shāh
Nādir Shāh was an Iranian ruler and conqueror who created an Iranian empire that stretched from the Indus River......
Obaid, Thoraya
Thoraya Obaid is a Saudi politician who was executive director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA; 2001–10).......
Obasanjo, Olusegun
Olusegun Obasanjo is a Nigerian general, statesman, and diplomat, who was the first military ruler in Africa to......
Obuchi Keizo
Obuchi Keizo was a Japanese politician who was prime minister from July 1998 to April 2000 and is credited with......
Oduber Quirós, Daniel
Daniel Oduber Quirós was the president of Costa Rica (1974–78), a member of the founding junta of its Second Republic......
Offa was one of the most powerful kings in early Anglo-Saxon England. As ruler of Mercia from 757 to 796, Offa......
Olaf III Haraldsson
Olaf III Haraldsson was the king of Norway (1066–93) who guided the nation through one of its most prosperous periods,......
Oldenbarnevelt, Johan van
Johan van Oldenbarnevelt was a lawyer, statesman, and, after William I the Silent, the second founding father of......
Olivares, Gaspar de Guzmán y Pimental, conde-duque de, duque de Sanlúcar de Barrameda
Gaspar de Guzmán y Pimental, count-duke de Olivares was the prime minister (1623–43) and court favourite (valido)......
Olney, Richard
Richard Olney was the U.S. secretary of state (1895–97) who asserted, under the Monroe Doctrine, the right of the......
Ordyn-Nashchokin, Afanasy Lavrentyevich
Afanasy Lavrentyevich Ordyn-Nashchokin was a statesman and diplomat who became the chief adviser on foreign affairs......
Orfila, Alejandro
Alejandro Orfila is an Argentine diplomat who served as secretary-general of the Organization of American States......
Orhan was the second ruler of the Ottoman dynasty, which had been founded by his father, Osman I. Orhan’s reign......
Orlando, Vittorio
Vittorio Orlando was an Italian statesman and prime minister during the concluding years of World War I and head......
Orlov, Aleksey Fyodorovich, Prince
Aleksey Fyodorovich, Prince Orlov was a military officer and statesman who was an influential adviser to the Russian......
Orlov, Nikolay Alekseyevich, Prince
Nikolay Alekseyevich, Prince Orlov was a Russian diplomat notable for his humanitarian interest in his country’s......
Osei Tutu
Osei Tutu was the founder and first ruler of the Asante (Ashanti) empire (in present-day Ghana) who as chief of......
Osman I
Osman I was the ruler of a Turkmen principality in northwestern Anatolia who is regarded as the founder of the......
Ossietzky, Carl von
Carl von Ossietzky was a German journalist and pacifist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace for 1935. In 1912......
Osterman, Andrey Ivanovich, Graf
Andrey Ivanovich, Count Osterman was a statesman who dominated the conduct of Russia’s foreign affairs from 1725......
Otakar II
Otakar II was the king of Bohemia (1253–78), who briefly established his crownland as the most powerful state of......
Otto was the first king of the modern Greek state (1832–62), who governed his country autocratically until he was......
Oxenstierna, Axel, Greve
Axel, Count Oxenstierna was the chancellor of Sweden (1612–54), successively under King Gustav II Adolf and Queen......
Oxenstierna, Bengt Gabrielsson, Greve
Bengt Gabrielsson, Count Oxenstierna was a Swedish statesman who, as the principal foreign policy adviser of King......
Oyono, Ferdinand Léopold
Ferdinand Léopold Oyono was an African statesman, actor, and comic writer whose two best-known works—Une Vie de......
Ozolua was an African king, the greatest warrior-king of Benin (in modern Nigeria). Ozolua was able to extend the......
O’Brien, Conor Cruise
Conor Cruise O’Brien was an Irish diplomat, politician, educator, and journalist who was one of Ireland’s most......
Paasikivi, Juho Kusti
Juho Kusti Paasikivi was a Finnish statesman and diplomat who, as prime minister (1918, 1944–46) and then president......
Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui
Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui was an Inca emperor (1438–71), an empire builder who, because he initiated the swift, far-ranging......
Paderewski, Ignacy Jan
Ignacy Jan Paderewski was a Polish pianist, composer, and statesman, who was prime minister of Poland in 1919.......
Page, Walter Hines
Walter Hines Page was a journalist, book publisher, author, and diplomat who, as U.S. ambassador to Great Britain......
Palmela, Pedro de Sousa Holstein, duque de
Pedro de Sousa Holstein, duque de Palmela was a Portuguese liberal statesman and supporter of Queen Maria II. Palmela......
Paléologue, Maurice-Georges
Maurice-Georges Paléologue was a French diplomat and writer who encouraged the Franco-Russian alliance before and......
Pandit, Vijaya Lakshmi
Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit was an Indian political leader and diplomat, one of the world’s leading women in public life......
Panikkar, Kavalam Madhava
Kavalam Madhava Panikkar was an Indian statesman, diplomat, and scholar. Educated at the University of Oxford,......
Panin, Nikita Ivanovich
Nikita Ivanovich Panin was a statesman who served as a chief diplomatic adviser to Catherine the Great of Russia......
Papen, Franz von
Franz von Papen was a German statesman and diplomat who played a leading role in dissolving the Weimar Republic......
Pasquier, Étienne, duc de
Étienne, duc de Pasquier was a French statesman who was the last chancellor of France. A descendant of the celebrated......
Passy, Frédéric
Frédéric Passy was a French economist and advocate of international arbitration who was co-winner (with Jean-Henri......
Patkul, Johann Reinhold von
Johann Reinhold von Patkul was a Baltic German diplomat who played a key role in the initiation of the Northern......
Paul-Boncour, Joseph
Joseph Paul-Boncour was a French leftist politician who served as the minister of labour, of war, and of foreign......
Pavie, Auguste
Auguste Pavie was a French explorer and diplomat, who is best known for his explorations of the upper Mekong River......
Payne, Peter
Peter Payne was an English theologian, diplomat, and follower of the early religious Reformer John Wycliffe. He......
Paz Estenssoro, Víctor
Víctor Paz Estenssoro was a Bolivian statesman, founder and principal leader of the left-wing Bolivian political......
Paz, Octavio
Octavio Paz was a Mexican poet, writer, and diplomat, recognized as one of the major Latin American writers of......
Pašić, Nikola
Nikola Pašić was the prime minister of Serbia (1891–92, 1904–05, 1906–08, 1909–11, 1912–18) and prime minister......
Pearson, Lester B.
Lester B. Pearson was a Canadian politician and diplomat who served as prime minister of Canada (1963–68). He was......
Pelagius I
Pelagius I was the pope from 556 to 561. His ecclesiastical roles under the popes St. Agapetus I, St. Silverius,......
Penda was an Anglo-Saxon king of Mercia from about 632 until 655, who made Mercia one of the most powerful kingdoms......
Pepi I
Pepi I, third king of the 6th dynasty (c. 2305–c. 2118 bce) of ancient Egypt, whose reign saw the spread of trade......
Perak, Tun
Tun Perak was the bendahara (chief minister) of the port city of Malacca (now Melaka in Malaysia), who was kingmaker......
Peres, Shimon
Shimon Peres was a Polish-born Israeli statesman, who served as both prime minister (1984–86 and 1995–96) and president......
Pericles was an Athenian statesman largely responsible for the full development, in the later 5th century bce,......
Perry, Matthew C.
Matthew C. Perry was a U.S. naval officer who headed an expedition that forced Japan in 1853–54 to enter into trade......
Perseus was the last king of Macedonia (179–168), whose attempts to dominate Greece brought on the final defeat......
Persigny, Jean-Gilbert-Victor Fialin, Duke de
Jean-Gilbert-Victor Fialin, duke de Persigny was a French statesman who helped pave the way for Louis-Napoléon’s......
Perón, Juan
Juan Perón was an army colonel who became president of Argentina (1946–52, 1952–55, 1973–74) and was the founder......
Peter Des Roches
Peter Des Roches was a Poitevin diplomat, soldier, and administrator, one of the ablest statesmen of his time,......
Peter I
Peter I was the tsar of Russia who reigned jointly with his half-brother Ivan V (1682–96) and alone thereafter......
Phaulkon, Constantine
Constantine Phaulkon was a Greek adventurer who became one of the most audacious and prominent figures in the history......
Phayre, Sir Arthur Purves
Sir Arthur Purves Phayre was a British commissioner in Burma (Myanmar), who made a novel attempt to spread European......
Phetracha was the king of the Tai kingdom of Ayutthaya, or Siam (ruled 1688–1703), whose policies reduced European......
Philastre, Paul-Louis-Félix
Paul-Louis-Félix Philastre was a French administrator and diplomat who, in the formative years of colonialism in......

Diplomats Encyclopedia Articles By Title