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Also known as: North Germanic languages
Also called:
North Germanic languages

Stress is placed on the first syllable in native words, with sporadic exceptions for compounds. Stress on a later syllable reflects borrowing from other languages, except in Icelandic, which has stress on the first syllable of all words. (The latter is also is true of East Norwegian dialects.)

Pitch is usually high on the stressed syllable, falling at the end of a statement, rising for a yes-no question. An exception is East Norwegian and some Swedish dialects, in which the stressed syllable is low and the pitch is often rising at the end of statements. In most of Norway and Sweden and in scattered Danish dialects, there is a special word tone, by which old monosyllables have one kind of pitch while old polysyllables have another. The first pitch type is usually high or low pitch on the stressed syllable, like that in other Germanic languages, while the second is more complex and varies from region to region. In Danish the tones have been replaced by glottalization in instances in which Norwegian and Swedish have the first type.

In stressed syllables either the vowel or the following consonant is long (except in Danish). A short vowel also may be followed by a consonant cluster, but a long vowel may never be followed by a long consonant. Unstressed syllables may have a short vowel followed by a short (or no) consonant. In Danish this latter pattern is permitted also in stressed syllables.

The Old Scandinavian vowel system contained nine vowels, each of which could be long, short, or nasalized: front unround (i, e, æ), front round (y, ø), back round (u, o, ǫ), and back unround (a). There were three falling diphthongs (ei, au, øy). While most of these are still present in some dialects, there have been many changes. The nasalized vowels disappeared, though they were still present in Icelandic about 1150. Diphthongs became long vowels in Danish and Swedish in the 10th century. Short low umlauted vowels coalesced with neighbouring vowels (æ became e and ǫ became o, or ö in Icelandic). Long ā (Old Norse á) was rounded to å (pronunciation similar to the o in English order; in Icelandic and West Norwegian, pronunciation is like the ow in English now). In Norwegian and Swedish the rounded vowels were shifted upward and forward, giving “overrounded” o and u that resemble u and y, respectively. The unstressed vowels a, i, and u have remained in Icelandic and Faroese but have been partially merged in New Norwegian and Swedish (written a, e, o), completely merged as ə (the schwa sound, as a in English sofa) in Danish and Dano-Norwegian, and lost in Jutland and Trønder dialects. High round vowels (y, ȳ, øy) have been merged with the unround vowels in Icelandic and Faroese (and in scattered dialects elsewhere) but are still distinguished in writing. Long vowels have been diphthongized not only in many dialects (e.g., Jutland, Skåne, and West Norwegian) but also in standard Icelandic and Faroese (Icelandic é, pronounced /je/, ó /ou/, á /au/, æ /ai/; Faroese í /ui/, æ /æa/, and so on). (Symbols in virgules are phonetic symbols designating actual pronunciation.) A quantity shift took place in the late Middle Ages, in which short vowels were lengthened before single consonants and long vowels were shortened before clusters, sometimes with qualitative changes that affected different dialects differently; thus, in Swedish veta ‘know’ i became e (though all the other North Germanic languages have i).

The Old Scandinavian consonant system contained voiceless stops p, t, k; voiced stops b, d, g; voiceless-voiced spirants f/v, þ/ð, x/ǥ; nasals m, n; a sibilant s; liquids l, r; and glides w, j. The chief changes were as follows: Short voiceless stops became voiced after vowels in Danish and neighbouring dialects, and then they partially opened to become spirants or glides (tapa became tabe ‘lose,’ ūt became ud ‘out,’ kakur became kager ‘cakes’). Velar stops k, g, and sk were palatalized before front vowels to merge with kj, gj, and skj, as still occurs in Icelandic (and Jutland dialect); in Faroese, Norwegian, Swedish, and many Danish dialects, these were fronted to tj, dj, and stj or even opened to spirants ç, j, and š, while in Danish they reverted to k, g, and sk. Voiced f merged with w to become v, though it is still written f in Icelandic; in Danish both f and w have become pronounced as w after vowels. Voiceless þ became t (occasionally h in Faroese) and voiced þ /ð/ became d, except in Icelandic. Voiceless x became h initially before vowels but was lost elsewhere; voiced x /ǥ/ became g, except in Icelandic (in Danish it has become either /j/ or /w/ after vowels). The r sound was assimilated to following dental sounds (l, n, s, t, d) to make a series of retroflex consonants (ḷ, ṇ, ṣ, ṭ, ḍ, pronounced with the tip of the tongue curled up toward the hard palate) in many Swedish and Norwegian dialects, including those of Oslo and Stockholm. In western Sweden and eastern and central Norway, an original l in certain environments and the combination both developed into a new sound defined as a retroflex flap. During the past few centuries the r sound has become a uvular r /r/ in Danish, southern Swedish, and southwestern Norwegian (including that spoken in the city of Bergen). The uvular r is still expanding its territory in Norway and Sweden.

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Old Scandinavian had a declensional system with four cases (nominative, accusative, dative, genitive) and two numbers. The actual form of the inflections depended on the stem class of the noun or the adjective. Verbs were inflected for tense and mood, person and number. This system is preserved in Icelandic. In Faroese, the declensions have been simplified, and only three cases are now used in speech (the genitive having been replaced by prepositional phrases or compounds). In the remaining languages only personal pronouns now have a distinction between a nominative and a non-nominative (dependent) form (e.g., Swedish jag ‘I,’ mig ‘me’). Some conservative dialects in Norway and Sweden still retain a separate dative case for certain categories, however.

The present-day systems of Danish, Dano-Norwegian, New Norwegian, and Swedish are basically identical. Nouns have singular and plural forms, to which the definite article may be suffixed; the plural suffixes vary, reflecting earlier stem, gender, and umlaut classes. Adjectives have neuter singulars marked by -t, plurals marked by a vowel (-e or -a), and weak forms used after determiners, usually identical in form with the plurals; the comparatives are marked by r and superlatives by the cluster st. There are polite pronouns of address that are either identical with the second person plural (Swedish ni, Icelandic þér, Faroese tygum, and New Norwegian de) or the third person plural (Danish and Dano-Norwegian De). In Norway and Sweden the use of the polite form is now obsolete. In Icelandic and Faroese old duals have taken over the function of plurals (Icelandic við ‘we,’ þið ‘you’; Faroese vit ‘we,’ tit ‘you’). Each personal pronoun has a corresponding possessive pronoun, the third person being identical with the genitive of the pronoun and invariable. The possessive pronouns for the other persons and the reflexive sin are inflected for gender and number like most other pronouns and articles. Verbs inflect for tense only, with -r as the usual present marker (New Norwegian does not have an ending to indicate present tense in the strong verbs), while the preterites (past tenses) have stem-vowel ablaut changes in the strong verbs and a dental suffix in the weak verbs. Nonfinite forms of the verb have invariable suffixes (-a or -e for the infinitive, -ande or -ende for present participles, and -at or -et for perfect participles), except that Swedish and New Norwegian mark gender when the perfect participle is used adjectivally.

New Norwegian, like Icelandic and Faroese, and, in part, Dano-Norwegian preserve masculine, feminine, and neuter genders; Danish and Swedish combine masculine and feminine into a common (nonneuter) gender. Swedish and New Norwegian (in part) preserve nonneuter plurals in -ar, -er, and -or, which merged as -er in Dano-Norwegian; in Danish these have become -e, while a new plural in -er has arisen, primarily for loanwords. The past tense of the largest class of weak verbs (Old Norse -aði) ends in -a in New Norwegian, -et or -a in Dano-Norwegian, -ede in Danish, and -ade in Swedish (usually pronounced /a/). In Norwegian and Swedish a new class of weak verbs with preterite ending -dde has arisen, including stems ending in -d or long vowels (Swedish födde ‘bore,’ bodde ‘lived’). The present tense form of strong verbs is umlauted in New Norwegian (as in Icelandic and Faroese); it is monosyllabic in New Norwegian, has high or low pitch on the stressed syllable in Dano-Norwegian and Swedish, and has glottalization in Danish (New Norwegian kjem; Dano-Norwegian, Swedish kommer /kåmər/; Danish kommer /kåmʔər/. New Norwegian has -st in the mediopassive (like Icelandic and Faroese); Dano-Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish have -s. Besides a complex passive formed with an auxiliary, Swedish, Danish, Dano-Norwegian, and (to a limited degree) New Norwegian have developed an inflectional passive form in -s by the reduction of the old reflexive pronoun sik.