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The history of the sutra style

A unique feature of the development of Indian thought was the systematization of each school of thought in the form of sutras, or extremely concise expressions, intended to reduce the doctrines of a science or of a philosophy into a number of memorizable aphorisms, formulas, or rules. The word sutra, originally meaning “thread,” came to mean such concise expressions. A larger work containing a collection of such sutras also came to be called a sutra. The aid of commentaries becomes indispensable for the understanding of the sutras, and it is not surprising that philosophical composition took the form of commentaries and subcommentaries. The earliest sutras, the Kalpa-sutras (not to be confused with the Jain Kalpa-sutra), however, are not philosophical but ritualistic. These Kalpa-sutras fell into three major parts: the Shrauta-sutras, dealing with Vedic sacrifices; the Grihya-sutras, dealing with the ideal life of a householder; and the Dharma-sutras, dealing with moral injunctions and prohibitions.

In the works of Panini, a Hindu grammarian, the sutra style reached a perfection never attained before and only imperfectly approximated by the later practitioners. The sutra literature began before the rise of Buddhism, though the philosophical sutras all seem to have been composed afterward. The Buddhist sutra (Pali sutta) differs markedly in style and content from the Hindu sutra. Buddhist sutras are rather didactic texts, discourses, or sermons, possibly deriving their name from the sense in which they carry the thread of the tradition of the Buddha’s teachings.

The Purva-mimamsa-sutras and Shabara’s commentary

The Purva-mimamsa (“First Reflection”), or Karma-mimamsa (“Study of [Ritual] Action”), is the system that investigates the nature of Vedic injunctions. Though this is the primary purpose of the system, this task also led to the development of principles of scriptural interpretation and, therefore, to theories of meaning and hermeneutics (critical interpretations). Jaimini, who composed sutras about the 4th century bce, was critical of earlier Mimamsa authors, particularly of one Badari, to whom is attributed the view that the Vedic injunctions are meant to be obeyed without the expectation of benefits for oneself. According to Jaimini, Vedic injunctions do not merely prescribe actions but also recommend these actions as means to the attainment of desirable goals. For both Jaimini and Shabara (3rd century), his chief commentator, performance of the Vedic sacrifices is conducive to the attainment of heaven; both emphasize that nothing is a duty unless it is instrumental to happiness in the long run.

Jaimini’s central concern is dharma, which is defined as the desired object (artha), whose desirability is testified only by the injunctive statements of the scriptures (chodana-lakshano). In order to substantiate the implied thesis that what ought to be done—i.e., dharma—cannot be decided by either perception or reasoning, Jaimini proceeds to a discussion of the nature of ways of knowing. Because perceptual knowledge arises from contact of the sense organs with reality that is present, dharma that is not an existent reality but a future course of action cannot possibly be known by sense-experience. Reasoning based on such sense-experience is for the same reason useless. Only injunctive statements can state what ought to be done. Commands made by finite individuals are not reliable, because the validity of what they say depends upon the presumption that the persons concerned are free from those defects that render one’s words dependable. Therefore, only the injunctions contained in the scriptures—which, according to Mimamsa and the Hindu tradition, are not composed by any finite individual (apaurusheya)—are the sources of all valid knowledge of dharma. The Mimamsa rejects the belief that the scriptures are utterances of God. The words themselves are authoritative. In accordance with this thesis, Jaimini developed the theory that the relation between words and their meanings is natural (autpattikastu shabdasyarthena sambandhah, or “the relation of word to its meaning is eternal”) and not conventional, that the primary meaning of a word is a universal (which is also eternal), that in a sentence the principal element is the verb, and that the principal force of the verb is that which specifically belongs to the verb with an optative ending and which instigates a person to take a certain course of action in order to effect the desired end.

Though this theory provided the Mimamsa with a psychological and semantic technique for interpreting the sentences of the scriptures that are clearly in the injunctive form, there are also other kinds of sentences: prayers, glorifications, those referring to a thing by a name, and prohibitions. Attempts were therefore made to show how each one of these types of sentences bears, directly or indirectly, on the central, injunctive texts. Furthermore, a systematic classification of the various forms of injunctions is undertaken: those that indicate the general nature of an action, those that show the connection of a subsidiary rite to the main course of action, those that suggest promptness in performance of the action, and those that indicate the right to enjoy the results to be produced by the course of action enjoined.

The commentary of Shabara elaborated on the epistemological themes of the sutras; in particular, Shabara sought to establish the intrinsic validity of experiences and traced the possibility of error to the presence of defects in the ways of knowing. He also critically examined Buddhist subjective idealism and the theory of utter emptiness of things and proved the existence of soul as a separate entity that enjoys the results of one’s actions in this or the next life.

The Vedanta-sutras

Relation to the Mimamsa-sutras

Along with Badari and Jaimini, Badarayana, a contemporary of Jaimini, was the other major interpreter of Vedic thought. Just as the Mimamsa-sutra traditions of Badari’s tradition were revived by Prabhakara, a 7th–8th-century scholar, and Jaimini’s were defended by Shabara and Kumarila, a 7th–8th-century scholar, Badarayana’s sutras laid the basis for the development of Vedanta philosophy. The relation of the Vedanta-sutras to the Mimamsa-sutras, however, is difficult to ascertain. Badarayana approves of the Mimamsa view that the relation between words and their significations is eternal. There are, however, clear statements of difference: according to Jaimini, for example, the dispenser of the “fruits” of one’s actions is dharma, the law of righteousness itself, but for Badarayana it is the supreme lord, Ishvara. Often, Jaimini’s interpretation is contrasted with that of Badari; in such cases, Badarayana sometimes supports Badari’s view and sometimes regards both as defensible.

The overall difference that emerges is that whereas Jaimini lays stress on the ritualistic parts of the Vedas, Badarayana lays stress on the philosophical portions—i.e., the Upanishads. The former recommends the path of Vedic injunctions, hence the ideal of karma; the latter recommends the path of knowledge. The central concept of Jaimini’s investigation is dharma—i.e., what ought to be done; the central theme of Badarayana’s investigations is brahman—i.e., the Absolute Reality. The relationship between these two treatises remains a matter of controversy between later commentators—Ramanuja, a great South Indian philosopher of the 11th–12th centuries, defending the thesis that they jointly constitute a single work with Jaimini’s coming first and Badarayana’s coming after it in logical order, and Shankara, an earlier great South Indian philosopher of the 8th–9th centuries, in favor of the view that the two are independent of each other and possibly also inconsistent in their central theses.

Contents and organization of the four books

Badarayana’s sutras have four books (adhyayas), each book having four chapters (padas). The first book is concerned with the theme of samanvaya (“reconciliation”). The many conflicting statements of the scriptures are all said to agree in converging on one central theme: the concept of brahman, the one Absolute Being from whom all beings arise, in whom they are maintained, and into whom they return. The second book establishes avirodha (“consistency”) by showing the following: (1) that dualism and Vaisheshika atomism are neither sustainable interpretations of the scriptures nor defensible rationally; (2) that though consciousness cannot conceivably arise out of a nonconscious nature, the material world could arise out of spirit; (3) that the effect in its essence is not different from the cause; and (4) that though brahman is all-perfect and has no want, creation is an entirely unmotivated free act of delight (lila). The Yogachara Buddhist view that there are no external objects but only minds and their conceptions is refuted, as also the Buddhist doctrine of the momentariness of all that is. The Jain pluralism and the theism of the Pashupatas and the Bhagavatas are also rejected. Because, according to Vedanta, only brahman is external, the third and the fourth chapters of the second book undertake to show that nothing else is eternal. The third book concerns the spiritual discipline and the various stages by which the finite individual (jiva) may realize an essential identity with brahman. The fourth and last book deals with the final result of the modes of discipline outlined in the preceding book and distinguishes between the results achieved by worshipping a personal Godhead and those achieved by knowing the one brahman. Included is some discussion of the possible “worlds” through which the spirits travel after death, but all this discussion is subordinate to the one dominant goal of liberation and consequent escape from the chain of rebirth.

Variations in views

Badarayana’s sutras refer to interpreters of Vedanta before him who were concerned with such central issues as the relation between the finite individual soul (jiva) and the Absolute (brahman) and the possible bodily existence of a liberated individual. To Ashmarthya, an early Vedanta interpreter, is ascribed the view that the finite individual and the Absolute are both identical and different (as causes and their effects are different—a view that seems to have been the ancestor of the later theory of Bhedabheda). Audulomi, another pre-Badarayana Vedanta philosopher, is said to have held the view that the finite individual becomes identical with brahman after going through a process of purification. Another interpreter, Kashakritsna, holds that the two are identical—a view that anticipates the later “unqualified monism” of Shankara. Badarayana’s own views on this issue are difficult to ascertain: the sutras are so concise that they are capable of various interpretations, though there are reasons to believe that Ramanuja’s is closer to their intentions than Shankara’s.