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1 smart /ˈsmɑɚt/ adjective
smarter; smartest
1 smart
smarter; smartest
Britannica Dictionary definition of SMART
chiefly US
: very good at learning or thinking about things : intelligent
see also street-smart
: showing intelligence or good judgment : wise
informal + disapproving : behaving or talking in a rude or impolite way : showing a lack of respect for someone
: very popular : stylish and fashionable somewhat old-fashioned in U.S. English
: very neat and clean somewhat old-fashioned in U.S. English
: very quick and energetic
: controlled by computers and able to do things that seem intelligent

smart money

used to say who or what is expected to win, be successful, etc.

— smartly


— smartness

noun [noncount]
2 smart /ˈsmɑɚt/ verb
smarts; smarted; smarting
2 smart
smarts; smarted; smarting
Britannica Dictionary definition of SMART
[no object]
: to feel a sudden sharp pain
: to be upset about something usually used as (be) smarting

smart off

[phrasal verb] US, informal
: to say rude and irritating things to someone
3 smart /ˈsmɑɚt/ adverb
smarter; smartest
3 smart
smarter; smartest
Britannica Dictionary definition of SMART
: in a smart way : smartly