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1 physical /ˈfɪzɪkəl/ adjective
1 physical
Britannica Dictionary definition of PHYSICAL
: relating to the body of a person instead of the mind
: existing in a form that you can touch or see
[more physical; most physical] : involving or related to sex
[more physical; most physical]
: involving or having a lot of movement or activity
: involving or having very violent and forceful activity
: of or relating to the laws of nature
always used before a noun : of or relating to the study of physics
[more physical; most physical] : tending to express love or affection by touching other people

— physicality

/ˌfɪzəˈkæləti/ noun [noncount]
2 physical /ˈfɪzɪkəl/ noun
plural physicals
2 physical
plural physicals
Britannica Dictionary definition of PHYSICAL
: a medical examination to see if a person's body is healthy
called also physical examination