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1 pair /ˈpeɚ/ noun
plural pairs or pair
1 pair
plural pairs or pair
Britannica Dictionary definition of PAIR
: two things that are the same and are meant to be used together
: a thing that has two parts which are joined
: two people who are related in some way or who do something together
: two animals that mate together

in pairs

: in a group of two people or things
2 pair /ˈpeɚ/ verb
pairs; paired; pairing
2 pair
pairs; paired; pairing
Britannica Dictionary definition of PAIR
[+ object]
: to put (two people or things) together
often used as (be) paired

pair off

[phrasal verb]
: to join together in a romantic relationship
pair off or pair (someone or something) off or pair off (someone or something) : to join with someone or something else to form a group of two

pair up

[phrasal verb]
pair up or pair (someone or something) up or pair up (someone or something)
: to join together or to cause (two people or things) to join together for a purpose, job, etc.