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1 herd /ˈhɚd/ noun
plural herds
1 herd
plural herds
Britannica Dictionary definition of HERD
[count] : a group of animals that live or are kept together
[count] : a large group of people
the herd : common people : people as a group

ride herd on

see 1ride
2 herd /ˈhɚd/ verb
herds; herded; herding
2 herd
herds; herded; herding
Britannica Dictionary definition of HERD
[+ object] : to gather and move (a group of animals)
[+ object] : to move (people) in a group
[no object] : to form a group or move as a group

— herder

/ˈhɚdɚ/ noun, plural herders [count]