PEOPLE KNOWN FOR: urban planning

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People known for
urban planning
  • arts, visual
  • education
  • entertainment
  • history and society
  • literature
  • philosophy and religion
  • sciences
  • sports and recreation
  • technology
41 Biographies
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Henry Ford
American industrialist
Henry Ford was an American industrialist who revolutionized factory production with his assembly-line methods. (Read Henry Ford’s 1926 Britannica essay on mass production.) Ford spent most of his life...
Daniel H. Burnham.
American architect
Daniel Burnham was an American architect and urban planner whose impact on the American city was substantial. He was instrumental in the development of the skyscraper and was noted for his highly successful...
Le Corbusier
Swiss architect
Le Corbusier was an internationally influential Swiss architect and city planner, whose designs combine the functionalism of the modern movement with a bold sculptural expressionism. He belonged to the...
Alvar Aalto.
Finnish architect
Alvar Aalto was a Finnish architect, city planner, and furniture designer whose international reputation rests on a distinctive blend of modernist refinement, indigenous materials, and personal expression...
English architect and artist
Inigo Jones was a British painter, architect, and designer who founded the English classical tradition of architecture. The Queen’s House (1616–19) at Greenwich, London, his first major work, became a...
ʿAbbās I
Ṣafavid shah of Persia
ʿAbbās I was the shah of Persia from 1588 to 1629, who strengthened the Safavid dynasty by expelling Ottoman and Uzbek troops from Persian soil and by creating a standing army. He also made Eṣfahān the...
king of Judaea
Herod was the Roman-appointed king of Judaea (37–4 bce), who built many fortresses, aqueducts, theatres, and other public buildings and generally raised the prosperity of his land but who was the centre...
Moses, Robert
American public official
Robert Moses was a U.S. state and municipal official whose career in public works planning resulted in a virtual transformation of the New York landscape. Among the works completed under his supervision...
Indian architect
Charles Correa was an Indian architect and urban planner known for his adaptation of Modernist tenets to local climates and building styles. In the realm of urban planning, he is particularly noted for...
The Director's Pavillion, salt mines at Arc-et-Senans, near Besançon, Fr., by Ledoux, 1773–75
French architect
Claude-Nicolas Ledoux was a French architect who developed an eclectic and visionary architecture linked with nascent pre-Revolutionary social ideals. Ledoux studied under J.-F. Blondel and L.-F. Trouard....
Georges-Eugène, Baron Haussmann
French civil servant
Georges-Eugène, Baron Haussmann was a French administrator responsible for the transformation of Paris from its ancient character to the one that it still largely preserves. Though the aesthetic merits...
New Delhi, India: Presidential House (Rashtrapati Bhavan)
British architect
Sir Edwin Lutyens was an English architect noted for his versatility and range of invention along traditional lines. He is known especially for his planning of New Delhi and his design of the Viceroy’s...
Wood, John, the Elder: Queen Square
English architect
John Wood the Elder was an English architect and town planner who established the physical character of the resort city of Bath. Wood the Elder transformed Bath by adapting the town layout to a sort of...
French engineer and architect
Pierre Charles L’Enfant was a French-born American engineer, architect, and urban designer who designed the basic plan for Washington, D.C., the capital city of the United States. L’Enfant studied art...
Austrian politician
Karl Lueger was a politician, cofounder and leader of the Austrian Christian Social Party, and mayor of Vienna who transformed the Austrian capital into a modern city. Lueger, from a working-class family,...
British architect
John Nash was an English architect and city planner best known for his development of Regent’s Park and Regent Street, a royal estate in northern London that he partly converted into a varied residential...
Norman Shaw.
British architect
Norman Shaw was a British architect and urban designer important for his residential architecture and for his role in the English Domestic Revival movement. After an apprenticeship to William Burn, Shaw...
Paolo Soleri
American architect
Paolo Soleri was an Italian-born American architect and designer who was one of the best-known utopian city planners of the 20th century. Soleri received a doctorate in architecture from the Turin Polytechnic...
American architect
José Luis Sert was a Spanish-born American architect noted for his work in city planning and urban development. After graduation from the School of Architecture, Barcelona (1929), Sert worked with Le Corbusier...
Austrian-American architect
Richard Joseph Neutra was an Austrian-born American architect known for his role in introducing the International Style into American architecture. Educated at the Technical Academy, Vienna, and the University...
The Metro Center Station in Washington, D.C., part of an 86-station subway system designed by Harry M. Weese and opened in 1976.
American architect
Harry M. Weese was an American architect of the Chicago school who designed the subway system in Washington, D.C.—considered one of the most remarkable public works projects of the 20th century—and who...
British architect
Jane Drew was a British architect who, with her husband, Maxwell Fry, was a forerunner in the field of modern tropical building and town planning. She paid great attention to the harmony of design with...
British architect and artist
George Dance, the Younger was a British architect who was responsible for extensive urban redevelopment in London. He was a founding member of Great Britain’s Royal Academy of Arts. The youngest son of...
Dôme des Invalides, Paris
French architect
Jules Hardouin-Mansart was a French architect and city planner to King Louis XIV who completed the design of Versailles. Mansart in 1668 adopted the surname of his granduncle by marriage, the distinguished...
Jacobs, Jane
Canadian writer
Jane Jacobs was an American-born Canadian urbanologist noted for her clear and original observations on urban life and its problems. After graduating from high school, Butzner worked at the Scranton Tribune....
Brazilian architect
Lúcio Costa was a French-born Brazilian architect best known as the creator of the master plan for Brazil’s new capital at Brasília. After graduating from the National School of Fine Arts, Rio de Janeiro,...
Griffin, Walter Burley
American architect and city planner
Walter Burley Griffin was an American architect, landscape designer, and city planner whose most ambitious work is the Australian capital, Canberra. After studying at the University of Illinois, Urbana,...
British architect
Sir Patrick Abercrombie was a British architect and town planner who redesigned London after it was devastated by enemy bombardment in World War II. The son of a Manchester stockbroker, Abercrombie was...
Impington Village College
British architect
Maxwell Fry was a British architect who, with his wife, Jane Drew, pioneered in the field of modern tropical building and town planning. One of the earliest British adherents to the modern movement, Fry...
American architect
Victor Gruen was an Austrian-born American architect and city planner best known as a pioneer of the regional shopping centre (Northland, Detroit, Mich., 1952) and of the renewal and revitalization of...
French architect
Emmanuel Héré de Corny was a French court architect to Stanisław Leszczyński, duke of Lorraine, best known for laying out the town centre of Nancy, a principal example of urban design in the 18th century....
La Halle Tony Garnier
French architect
Tony Garnier was a forerunner of 20th-century French architects, notable for his Cité Industrielle, a farsighted plan for an industrial city. He is also remembered, along with Auguste Perret, for the pioneering...
British architect
John Wood the Younger was a British architect whose work at Bath represents the culmination of the Palladian tradition initiated there by his father, John Wood the Elder. Bath is one of the most celebrated...
British statistician
Gregory King was an English genealogist, engraver, and statistician, best known for his Natural and Political Observations and Conclusions upon the State and Condition of England, 1696, first published...
American architectural critic
Lewis Mumford was an American architectural critic, urban planner, and historian who analyzed the effects of technology and urbanization on human societies throughout history. Mumford studied at the City...
Francesco Di Giorgio
Italian artist
Francesco di Giorgio was an early Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, and designer. Remarkably versatile, a kind of Renaissance homo universale, Francesco combined the bold investigation...
British urban planner
Sir Ebenezer Howard was the founder of the English garden-city movement, which influenced urban planning throughout the world. After starting work in a stockbroker’s office at age 15, Howard learned shorthand...
Scottish biologist and sociologist
Sir Patrick Geddes was a Scottish biologist and sociologist who was one of the modern pioneers of the concept of town and regional planning. Greatly influenced by Charles Darwin’s evolutionary arguments...
German archaeologist
Karl Humann was a German engineer and archaeologist, whose excavation of the ancient Greek city of Pergamum (now Bergama, Tur.) brought to light some of the choicest examples of Hellenistic sculpture and...
Austrian architect
Camillo Sitte was an Austrian architect and town planner who propagated many ideas similar to those that the so-called Garden City advocate, Sir Ebenezer Howard, was advancing at the same time in England....
German urban planner
Ludwig Hilberseimer was a German-born U.S. city planner who founded in 1928 the Department of City Planning at the Bauhaus, Dessau. An original and logical thinker, his first project for a new city was...