Reptiles, RAC-YIN

Turtles, tuatara, lizards and snakes, and crocodiles make up the major groups of living reptiles today, and they collectively account for over 8,700 species. Plesiosaurs, pliosaurs, ichthyosaurs, and dinosaurs are part of the diverse group of now-extinct reptiles that were once found on Earth but that we are now unlikely to encounter.
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Reptiles Encyclopedia Articles By Title

racer, any of several large, swift nonvenomous snakes belonging to the family Colubridae. Racers of North America......
racerunner, (genus Cnemidophorus), any of about 60 species of lizards in the family Teiidae. The genus is common......
rat snake
rat snake, any of between 40 and 55 species of the genus Elaphe, of the family Colubridae and similar forms. They......
rattlesnake, any of 33 species of venomous New World vipers characterized by a segmented rattle at the tip of the......
reticulated python
reticulated python, (Malayopython reticulatus), species of giant constricting snake belonging to the python family,......
Rhamphorhynchus, (genus Rhamphorhynchus), flying reptile (pterosaurs) found as fossils from the Late Jurassic Period......
rhinoceros viper
rhinoceros viper, (Bitis nasicornis), brightly coloured venomous snake of the family Viperidae that inhabits rainforests......
ring-necked snake
ring-necked snake, (Diadophis punctatus), small terrestrial snake (family Colubridae), found widely in North America,......
Russell’s viper
Russell’s viper, (Daboia russelii), abundant, highly venomous terrestrial snake of the family Viperidae. It is......
saurischian, any member of one of the two major lineages of dinosaurs, including birds and all dinosaurs more closely......
sauropod, any member of the dinosaur subgroup Sauropoda, marked by large size, a long neck and tail, a four-legged......
sauropterygian, any of the aquatic reptiles found as fossils from the Mesozoic Era (251 million to 66 million years......
saw-scaled viper
saw-scaled viper, (genus Echis), any of eight species of small venomous snakes (family Viperidae) that inhabit......
scarlet snake
scarlet snake, (Cemophora coccinea), small, burrowing, nocturnal member of the family Colubridae. It occurs in......
Scutellosaurus, genus of small ornithischian dinosaurs from the Early Jurassic Period (roughly 200 million to 176......
sea snake
sea snake, any of more than 60 species of highly venomous marine snakes of the cobra family (Elapidae). There are......
sea turtle
sea turtle, any of seven species of marine turtles belonging to the families Dermochelyidae (leatherback sea turtles)......
shieldtail snake
shieldtail snake, (family Uropeltidae), any of 45 species of primitive burrowing snakes endemic to southern India......
Siamese crocodile
Siamese crocodile, (Crocodylus siamensis), medium-sized crocodile inhabiting freshwater streams, lakes, and swamps......
side-necked turtle
side-necked turtle, (suborder Pleurodira), any species of turtle belonging to the families Chelidae, Pelomedusidae,......
sidewinder, any of four species of small venomous snakes that inhabit the deserts of North America, Africa, and......
skink, (family Scincidae), any of about 1,275 species of lizards, mostly secretive ground dwellers or burrowers,......
slowworm, (Anguis fragilis), a legless lizard of the family Anguidae. It lives in grassy areas and open woodlands......
smooth snake
smooth snake, (Coronella austriaca), moderately abundant, nonvenomous snake occurring from western Europe to the......
snail-eating snake
snail-eating snake, any of several members of the Old World subfamily Pareinae and of the New World subfamily Dipsadinae,......
snake-eyed skink
snake-eyed skink, any of about 35 species of lizards constituting two genera (Ablepharus and Cryptoblepharus) in......
snake-necked turtle
snake-necked turtle, any of about 16 species of turtles belonging to the genera Chelodina and Macrochelodina in......
snapping turtle
snapping turtle, either of several species of freshwater turtles (family Chelydridae) named for their method of......
softshell turtle
softshell turtle, (family Trionychidae), any of about 30 turtle species characterized by a flattened shell. The......
spectacled caiman
spectacled caiman, (Caiman crocodilus), species of alligator-like reptiles common to swamps, other wetlands, and......
Spinosaurus, genus of theropod dinosaurs belonging to the family Spinosauridae, known from incomplete North African......
spiny-tailed lizard
spiny-tailed lizard, (Uromastyx), any of more than a dozen species belonging to the lizard family Agamidae. Spiny-tailed......
spotted turtle
spotted turtle, (Clemmys guttata), small freshwater turtle (family Emydidae) found from southern Canada to the......
stegosaur, any of the plated dinosaur species, including Stegosaurus and Tuojiangosaurus of the Late Jurassic period......
Stegosaurus, (genus Stegosaurus), genus various plated dinosaurs (Stegosauria) of the Late Jurassic Period (159......
Steneosaurus, (genus Steneosaurus), extinct crocodiles that inhabited shallow seas and whose fossils are found......
Struthiomimus, (genus Struthiomimus), ostrichlike dinosaurs found as fossils from the Late Cretaceous Period (99......
sunbeam snake
sunbeam snake, (genus Xenopeltis), any of two species of primitive, nonvenomous, burrowing snakes of family Xenopeltidae......
taipan, (genus Oxyuranus), any of three species of highly venomous snakes (family Elapidae) found from Australia......
Tapinocephalus, extinct genus of therapsids, relatives of mammals, found as fossils in Permian rocks of South Africa......
tegu, (genus Tupinambis), any of about seven large, carnivorous, tropical South American lizards of the family......
terrapin, (Malaclemys terrapin), a term formerly used to refer to any aquatic turtle but now restricted largely,......
thecodontian, archaic term formerly applied to any member of a group of primitive archosaurs (“ruling reptiles”)......
therapsid, any member of the Therapsida, a major clade of tetrapods that lived during Permian and Triassic time......
therizinosaur, group of theropod dinosaurs that lived during the Late Cretaceous (roughly 100 million to 66 million......
theropod, any member of the dinosaur subgroup Theropoda, which includes all the flesh-eating dinosaurs. Theropods......
Thrinaxodon, extinct genus of cynodont, a close mammal relative, found as fossils in continental deposits formed......
tiger snake
tiger snake, (genus Notechis), Australian member of the cobra family, Elapidae. The snake’s venom, which contains......
timber rattlesnake
timber rattlesnake, (Crotalus horridus), species of venomous North American snakes classified in the family Viperidae......
Titanoboa, (Titanoboa cerrejonensis), extinct snake that lived during the Paleocene Epoch (66 million to 56 million......
titanosaur, (clade Titanosauria), diverse group of sauropod dinosaurs classified in the clade Titanosauria, which......
tortoise, (family Testudinidae), any member of the turtle family Testudinidae. Formerly, the term tortoise was......
tree snake
tree snake, any of a number of arboreal serpents, primarily of the family Colubridae. They prey on birds and on......
Triceratops, (genus Triceratops), large quadrupedal plant-eating ceratopsian dinosaur that had a frill of bone......
tritylodont, any member of a genus (Tritylodon) of extinct cynodont therapsids (mammal relatives) found as fossils......
tuatara, (Sphenodon puntatus), a species of moderately large lizardlike reptiles endemic to New Zealand, specifically......
turtle, (order Testudines), any reptile with a body encased in a bony shell, including tortoises. Although numerous......
tyrannosaur, any of a group of predatory dinosaurs that lived from the late Jurassic Period (about 150 million......
Tyrannosaurus rex
Tyrannosaurus rex, (Tyrannosaurus rex), species of predatory dinosaurs that lived during the end of the Cretaceous......
Uta, genus of New World lizards of the family Iguanidae. At least nine species of side-blotched lizards occur in......
Velociraptor, (genus Velociraptor), sickle-clawed dinosaur that flourished in central and eastern Asia during the......
Venyukovia, genus of extinct mammallike reptiles (therapsids) that are found as fossils in Permian deposits in......
vine snake
vine snake, any of several venomous, rear-fanged snakes of the family Colubridae that have slender bodies, narrow......
viper, (family Viperidae), any of more than 200 species of venomous snakes belonging to two groups: pit vipers......
wart snake
wart snake, (genus Acrochordus), any of three species of fish-eating aquatic snakes occurring from southern Asia......
water snake
water snake, (subfamily Natricinae), any of about 200 species of semiaquatic snakes belonging to 38 genera (family......
West African crocodile
West African crocodile, (Crocodylus suchus), large species of crocodile inhabiting forested swamps, marshes, freshwater......
western diamondback rattlesnake
western diamondback rattlesnake, (Crotalus atrox), a large, venomous, aggressive, and highly dangerous pit viper......
wolf snake
wolf snake, any of a number of nonvenomous members of the family Colubridae, named for large teeth in both jaws.......
wood turtle
wood turtle, (Clemmys insculpta), a woodland streamside turtle of the family Emydidae, found from Nova Scotia through......
worm snake
worm snake, any of various harmless burrowing snakes of wormlike appearance. This name is often given to blind......
Yinlong, ceratopsian dinosaur genus known from a single nearly complete skeleton taken from the Junggar Basin of......

Reptiles Encyclopedia Articles By Title