
milk product

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  • Romano cheese
    In cheese

    …food consisting primarily of the curd, the semisolid substance formed when milk curdles, or coagulates. Curdling occurs naturally if milk is not used promptly: it sours, forming an acid curd, which releases whey, a watery fluid containing the soluble constituents; and it leaves semisolid curd, or fresh cheese. In some…

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  • USDA MyPlate dietary guidelines
    In human nutrition: Milk and milk products

    …into a semisolid substance called curd, thus trapping most of the fat. The remaining watery liquid (whey) is then drained, and the curd is salted, inoculated with nonpathogenic organisms, and allowed to dry and mature. Cheese is rich in protein and calcium and is a good source of vitamin A…

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  • cheese making
    In cheese making: Inoculation and curdling

    …solid or gel-like structure (the curd), which traps most of the fat, bacteria, calcium, phosphate, and other particulates. The remaining liquid—the whey—contains water, proteins resistant to acidic and enzymatic denaturation (e.g., antibodies), carbohydrates (lactose), and minerals.

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goat milk

  • milk
    In dairy product: Nutrient composition

    Goat milk curd forms into small, light flakes and is more easily digested, much like the curd formed from human milk. It is often prescribed for persons who are allergic to the proteins in cow’s milk and for some patients afflicted with stomach ulcers.

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  • In whey

    …fraction that forms along with curd when milk coagulates. It contains the water-soluble constituents of milk and is essentially a 5 percent solution of lactose in water, with some minerals and lactalbumin.

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