Poesie di Ossian
work by Cesarotti
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discussed in biography
- In Melchiorre Cesarotti
…of the Ossian poems (Poesie di Ossian, 1763–72; modern ed., 1924) revived interest in nature poetry. Two important essays also encouraged would-be Romantic writers: Saggio sulla filosofia del gusto (1785; “Essay on the Philosophy of Taste”) and Saggio sulla filosofia delle lingue (1785; “Essay on the Philosophy of Languages”),…
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place in Italian literature
- In Italian literature: Opposing movements
of James Macpherson’s Ossian poetry, Poesie di Ossian (1763–72), influenced Foscolo, Giacomo Leopardi, and others by their mysterious and gloomy fantasy, so alien to the classical inspiration; Saggio sulla filosofia delle lingue (1785; “Essay on the Philosophy of Languages”) was an important essay in the dispute on the Italian language.…
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