Marília de Dirceu
work by Gonzaga
Learn about this topic in these articles:
discussed in biography
- In Tomás Antônio Gonzaga
…book of pastoral love lyrics, Marília de Dirceu. It was published in three parts in 1792, 1799, and 1812 and chronicles his relationship with Marília. Shortly after arriving in Mozambique, Gonzaga married an heiress and remained there the rest of his life, holding important posts in the colony.
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Portuguese literature
- In Portuguese literature: The 18th century
…Brazil, where he wrote his Marília de Dirceu (1792, expanded in 1799; “Marília of Dirceu”), consisting of love lyrics in a pastoral setting. In 1790 the Nova Arcádia came into being, its two most distinguished members being the rival poets Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage, a precursor of the Romantic…
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