Kralice Bible
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- Czech literature
- In Czech literature: Origins and development through the 17th century
…into Czech, known as the Kralice Bible (1579–93). The language of this version became the model for classical Czech.
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- In Czech literature: Origins and development through the 17th century
Czech biblical translations
- In biblical literature: Slavic versions
The Kralice Bible, regarded as the finest extant specimen of classical Czech, became the standard Protestant version.
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- Bohemian religious history
- In Czechoslovak history: The Counter-Reformation and Protestant rebellion
…to be known as the Kralice Bible). Thus, the Catholics sought to create a breach between the Unitas Fratrum and the Protestant majority, who adhered to the Bohemian Confession.
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- In Czechoslovak history: The Counter-Reformation and Protestant rebellion
- Unitas Fratrum
- In Unitas Fratrum
…translation of the Bible (the Kralice, or Kralitz, Bible), the outstanding quality of which made it a landmark in Czech literature. Their Confessio Bohemica, reflecting Lutheran and Calvinist influences, effected a union with Lutheran Hussites in 1575 that received Holy Roman imperial sanction in 1609. By that time the Unitas…
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- In Unitas Fratrum