juxtaglomerular cell

Also known as: JGA, juxtaglomerular apparatus

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abnormal renal function

  • organs of the renal system
    In renal system disease: Vascular disease

    …in healthy individuals involves the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) and the secretion of renin. Occasionally, following trauma or arising spontaneously as a result of vascular disease, one or the other of the main renal arteries becomes constricted (renal artery stenosis). The fall in blood pressure beyond the constriction leads to increased…

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kidney function

  • human kidneys
    In renal system: Arteries and arterioles

    …composite structure is called the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) and is believed to be involved in the secretion of renin (see below The role of hormones in renal function). They are then reconstituted near the point of entry of the afferent arteriole to become the efferent arterioles carrying blood away from…

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  • human kidneys
    In renal system: The role of hormones in renal function

    The juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA), consisting of an asymmetrical cuff of large granular cells in the wall of the afferent arteriole near its entry into the capsule of the nephron, contains renin in the granules in the cells. Renin is a true internal secretion of the kidney.…

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