delta cell

Also known as: D cell

Learn about this topic in these articles:

human digestive system

  • human digestive system
    In human digestive system: Production and secretion of peptides

    For example, delta (D) cells, which produce a hormone known as somatostatin, are dispersed throughout the whole gastrointestinal tract. Somatostatin has inhibiting effects on the production of acid in the stomach, the motor activity of the intestine, and the release of digestive enzymes from the pancreas. These…

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islets of Langerhans

  • The role of the islets of Langerhans
    In islets of Langerhans

    The delta cells produce somatostatin, a strong inhibitor of somatotropin, insulin, and glucagon; its role in metabolic regulation is not yet clear. Somatostatin is also produced by the hypothalamus and functions there to inhibit secretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland.

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