
chemical compound

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organometallic compounds

  • periodic table with group numbers and the s, p, d, and f blocks
    In organometallic compound: Formation of alkyllithium and Grignard reagents

    The highly active metals combine with a halogen-substituted hydrocarbon to produce simple organometallic compounds. For example, methyllithium, an important reagent in organic synthesis, is produced commercially by following the reaction: 2Li + CH3Cl → LiCH3 +

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  • periodic table with group numbers and the s, p, d, and f blocks
    In organometallic compound: Carbanion character

    Alkyllithium, alkylaluminum, and alkylmagnesium compounds are the most common carbanion reagents in laboratory-scale synthetic chemistry; carbanion character is greatly diminished for the less metallic elements boron and silicon. The nucleophilic character of organometallic compounds of active metals has many synthetic applications. For example, the organic…

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