

Learn about this topic in these articles:


  • In alkalosis

    …acidity, or high level of alkalinity, in the body fluids, including the blood. Alkalosis may be either metabolic or respiratory in origin. Metabolic alkalosis results from either acid loss (which may be caused by severe vomiting or by the use of potent diuretics [substances that promote production of urine]) or…

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buffer solutions

  • Relation between pH and composition for a number of commonly used buffer systems.
    In buffer

    …certain level of acidity or alkalinity in a solution through the use of buffer solutions is essential to many chemical and biological experiments. Many biochemical processes occur only at specific pH values, which are maintained by natural buffers present in the body.

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plant nutrition

  • blight
    In plant disease: Adverse environment

    A similar situation exists in alkaline soils, although different minerals are affected. Oats planted in alkaline soils that actually contain a sufficient amount of manganese may develop the manganese-deficiency disease gray speck. This occurs because an elevated soil pH causes manganese to react with oxygen to produce manganese dioxide, a…

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work of Black

  • Joseph Black, detail of an engraving by J. Rogers after a portrait by Sir Henry Raeburn
    In Joseph Black: Alkalinity research and fixed air

    The research on the nature of alkalinity, which Black conducted for his thesis, laid the basis for the most important paper of his career, “Experiments upon Magnesia Alba, Quicklime, and Some Other Alcaline Substances,” given to the Philosophical Society of…

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