gel electrophoresis

gel electrophoresisAn illustration of gel electrophoresis for DNA, showing the gel and electrophoretic apparatus (left) and the separated bands of dyed DNA in the gel at the end of the experiment (right).

gel electrophoresis, any of several techniques used to separate molecules of DNA, RNA, or protein on the basis of their size or electric charge. Gel electrophoresis has a variety of applications; for example, it is used in DNA fingerprinting and the detection of genetic variants and proteins involved in health and disease as well as in the detection and purification of nucleic acids and proteins for research. It is also used to aid in the detection of pathogens (disease-causing organisms) that may be present in blood or other tissues or in sources such as food. In many instances, nucleic acids or proteins that are detected and purified with gel electrophoresis are investigated further by means of DNA sequencing or mass spectrometry.

The gel electrophoresis apparatus consists of a gel, which is often made from agar or polyacrylamide, and an electrophoretic chamber (typically a hard plastic box or tank) with a cathode (negative terminal) at one end and an anode (positive terminal) at the opposite end. The gel, which contains a series of wells at the cathode end, is placed inside the chamber and covered with a buffer solution. The samples are then loaded into the wells with a pipette. The chamber is connected to a power supply that, when turned on, applies an electric field to the buffer. The electric field causes negatively charged molecules to migrate through the gel toward the anode. (DNA and RNA are negatively charged; proteins must be treated with a detergent to give them a negative charge.) The molecules’ movement is influenced by the porous gel matrix such that larger, heavier molecules move relatively slowly, whereas smaller, lighter molecules move more quickly. The density of pores and the type of substance used to make the gel further influence the rate of molecule migration. Often a dyed “ladder,” or marker with multiple molecules of known and varying molecular weights, is run alongside experimental samples to serve as a reference for size. The dye enables the visualization of the marker as it moves through the gel; samples typically are also dyed for visualization. A dye known as ethidium bromide, which fluoresces under ultraviolet light, frequently is used for crisp visualization of DNA samples.

Kara Rogers