
representative protozoansRepresentative protozoans. The phytoflagellate Gonyaulax is one of the dinoflagellates responsible for the occurrence of red tides. The zooflagellate Trypanosoma brucei is the causative agent of African sleeping sickness. The amoeba is one of the most common sarcodines. Other members of the subphylum Sarcodina, such as the radiolarians, heliozoans, and foraminiferans, usually possess protective coverings. The heliozoan Pinaciophora is shown covered with scales. The phylum Ciliophora, which includes the ciliated Tetrahymena and Vorticella, contains the greatest number of protozoan species but is the most homogeneous group. The malaria-causing Plasmodium is spread by the bite of a mosquito that injects infective spores (sporozoites) into the bloodstream.

Vorticella, genus of the ciliate protozoan order Peritrichida, a bell-shaped or cylindrical organism with a conspicuous ring of cilia (hairlike processes) on the oral end and a contractile unbranched stalk on the aboral end; cilia usually are not found between the oral and aboral ends. Vorticellas eat bacteria and small protozoans and live in fresh or salt water attached to aquatic plants, surface scum, submerged objects, or aquatic animals. Although vorticellas are often found in clusters, each stalk is fastened independently. The stalk consists of an external sheath that contains a fluid and a spirally arranged contractile thread. When the vorticella is contracted the stalk thread is shortened, and the sheath is coiled like a corkscrew.

Vorticellas reproduce by longitudinal fission. One of the two daughter cells retains the original stalk; the other grows a temporary wreath of cilia at the aboral end and migrates. Propelled by these cilia, the migrant eventually grows a stalk, attaches to a substrate, and loses its temporary cilia. In conjugation one small special migrant (microconjugant) finds an attached vorticella (macroconjugant) and the two conjugants amalgamate completely, forming one organism in a sexlike union that eventually leads to fission.

This article was most recently revised and updated by Chelsey Parrott-Sheffer.