Battle of Medway

ChathamThe River Medway at Chatham, England.

Battle of Medway, (43 ce). The first major recorded battle of the Roman invasion of Britain under the orders of the emperor Claudius, the battle is thought to have been fought at a crossing of the River Medway, near the modernday city of Rochester in Kent, England, and it raged for nearly two days.

The British force was led by two brothers: Togodumnus, king of the Catuvellauni, and Caratacus, a chieftain of the same tribe. The Roman invasion force, under the command of Aulus Plautius, consisted of four legions, a force approximately 20,000 strong. On hearing of the Roman landing at Richborough, British resistance united behind the leadership of the two brothers and, after two indecisive skirmishes in eastern Kent, the British force met the advancing Romans at the River Medway.

Cassius Dio, a Roman historian, describes how a detachment of Celtic Roman auxiliaries swam across the river and attacked the British chariot horses, surprising the Britons and causing panic. Using this initial advantage, Vespasian (a future Roman emperor) crossed the river with a large force but was unable to press home a victory. The battle continued to rage all day without any decisive result. On the second day, the Romans launched a daring attack under the command of Gnaeus Hosidius Geta, who was almost killed in the fighting that followed. However, Geta’s troops rallied around their commander and the Britons were eventually overcome, with the bulk of the British force taking flight. The fact that the battle lasted for two days indicates that it must have been a significant encounter. However, the British were not yet conquered and fell back to the River Thames, where Togodumnus was defeated, dying shortly afterward. Caratacus continued resistance until beaten at Caer Caradoc in 50 ce.

Losses: No reliable figures.

Tony Bunting