Battle of Ponta Delgada

Flores Island: Ponta DelgadaPonta Delgada, Flores Island, Azores, Portugal.

Battle of Ponta Delgada, (26 July 1582). Fought off the Azores in the mid-Atlantic, Ponta Delgada was a Spanish victory that ended Portuguese resistance to the takeover of their country by Spain’s king Philip II. It inspired the Spanish with a confidence in their naval power that led directly to the Armada expedition against England six years later.

Philip II claimed the Portuguese crown and annexed the country in 1580. A Portuguese pretender to the throne, Antonio, Prior of Crato, intended to use the Azores as a base for a fightback against the Spanish. With the backing of France, he fitted out a fleet and manned it with Portuguese exiles and an international band of military adventurers.

Sixty ships sailed to the Azores under the command of Filippo Strozzi, a Florentine mercenary with impressive military experience. Spain, however, had an inspired naval commander in Alvaro de Bazan, Marquis de Santa Cruz, one of the heroes of the Battle of Lepanto. Although Santa Cruz’s experience was with oared Mediterranean galleys, he assembled a fleet of twenty-eight oceanic sailing ships, consisting mostly of large Portuguese-built galleons and armed merchantmen, that located Strozzi’s force off São Miguel island.

The battle began with the Spanish galleon San Mateo blundering in among enemy ships that bombarded it from all sides. Santa Cruz formed his ships in line abreast, like a galley fleet, and sailed to the rescue. The heavier cannon fire of the larger Spanish ships proved decisive. At the climax of the battle, Strozzi’s flagship was battered and boarded by Santa Cruz’s San Martin; Strozzi himself was killed. Enthused by his success, Santa Cruz persuaded Philip II to begin construction of a large fleet of galleons to be used against the impudent English.

Losses: Portuguese, 11 ships destroyed or captured and1,500 dead; Spanish, no ships lost and 224 dead.

R.G. Grant