photorefractive keratectomy

eye: photorefractive keratectomyU.S. Navy Capt. David J. Tanzer (centre), specialty leader of Navy Refractive Surgery and director of the Refractive Surgery Program at Naval Medical Center San Diego, performs photorefractive keratectomy on a patient.

photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), common surgical method that reshapes the cornea (the transparent membrane covering the front of the eye) to improve vision in patients affected by farsightedness (hyperopia) or nearsightedness (myopia). In this procedure a local anesthetic is applied to the eye and a laser beam is used to sculpt the cornea. Reshaping enables the cornea to focus light on the retina, which it cannot do in hyperopic or myopic eyes.

PRK differs from other laser-based eye surgeries such as laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) in that it is not an invasive surgery; no incisions are made in the cornea during PRK. However, because a significant amount of corneal tissue is damaged during the reshaping process, the amount of time needed for recovery following PRK is longer relative to LASIK. In addition, patients often experience some discomfort during the healing process. Improvement in vision is often noticeable within several days after surgery, although optimal vision may not occur for several months.

This article was most recently revised and updated by Richard Pallardy.