Show What You Know (Episode 8: Today's World)

The winners of previous shows are brought back to compete for the grand-prize in this the season ending finale of “Show What You Know.”  Climate change, the internet, medical breakthroughs and the spread of pandemics are just some of the topics covered in this exciting episode. We close the season learning about future technologies from a senior science editor at Britannica, and our champion contestant wins the final quiz in a dramatic come-from-behind victory.


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Announcer (00:00):
It’s time for Show What You Know, the podcast from Encyclopaedia Britannica, where kids get to test their knowledge and match their wits to win cool prizes! And now, all the way from Great Britain, here is the editor of the Britannica All New Kids’ Encyclopedia, and the host of Show What You Know, Christopher Lloyd.

Christopher Lloyd (00:25):
Hello, everyone, and welcome to the final episode of this season's Show What You Know, where we will be exploring today's world and what an extraordinary world it is. We live on a planet, studded with great cities. The internet connects more than 4 billion people daily, and researchers are continually finding new ways for us to live longer and healthier lives. But, such advances have come at a cost. We are witnessing a mass extinction. Our climate is warming, and our interconnected planet makes the perfect breeding ground for an age-old human enemy: disease. What will tomorrow bring? Nobody knows, but I believe, and I hope, it will be your generation who finds a way, for both humans and the rest of the Earth's precious creatures to thrive far into the future.

Before we get to our first quiz, let’s review the ground rules. Each of our three contestants has received a chapter about today’s world from the Britannica All New Kids’ Encyclopedia: What We Know & What We Don’t. They’ve each had twenty-four hours to study the chapter and prepare for the quiz. So, now, let’s meet our three contestants and see what they’ve learned.

Announcer (01:42):
Contestant number one.

Ella (01:44):
Hi, my name is Ella. I am 10 years old, and I live in Darien, Illinois, just outside of Chicago.

Announcer (01:52):
Contestant number two.

Maya (01:53):
Hi, my name is Maya. I live in Darien, Connecticut, and I'm 11 years old.

Announcer (01:59):
Contestant number three.

Riley (02:01):
Hi, my name is Riley. I'm 11 years old, and I live in Evanston, Illinois.

Christopher Lloyd (02:08):
If our contestants names sound familiar it's because they've all been on the show before. Ella, Maya and Riley each came in first place the last time they were here, and now they're back to compete for the grand prize! So here's the big question: Are you guys ready to play Show What You Know?

Contestants (02:29):

Christopher Lloyd (02:29):
Okay. I- [sneeze]... Sorry. I've got a bit of a cold. All right, our first quiz is called: True or False! I'm going to give each of you a series of statements, and you have to tell me which ones are true and which ones are false. The first contestant to hit the buzzer and give the right answer gets one point. If you give the wrong answer, you lose a point.

Okay, here we go.

About 3 billion people in the world don't have access to the internet. Wow. Maya, you are quick on that buzzer. Tell me, is that statement true or false?

Maya (03:12):
It's true.

Christopher Lloyd (03:14):
You're absolutely right. Okay. Here's our question number two. Globally, about 2 billion people eat insects as part of their regular diet. Ella! That was lightening fast on a buzzer. Tell me was that true or false?

Ella (03:30):
That was true.

Christopher Lloyd (03:32):
It was true. Do you eat insects for breakfast?

Ella (03:37):

Christopher Lloyd (03:38):
No, okay. Well, you're not one of those 2 billion people that do. Congratulations, well done. Here's our third question. The world has only about 10 billionaires. Maya! That was lightning fast again. Tell me, is that true or false?

Maya (03:53):
I believe it's false.

Christopher Lloyd (03:55):
Yes, it is. There's more than 2000. Okay. And here's our final question of this round. Human population has remained about the same for the last 100 years. Maya, you were first again on the buzzer. Congratulations, is that true or false?

Maya (04:12):
It's false. In the 18 hundreds, there was 1 billion people.

Christopher Lloyd (04:17):
Very good. Indeed. Now we're getting close to 8 billion! Okay. We're off to a great start. Let's give our three contestants a big - [sneeze]. [Crowd sneezing sound effect]. No, no, I don't want you to sneeze. I want you to give them a big hand! [crowd cheering sound effect]

That's better. Now. The next quiz is called...

Female V.O. (04:42):

Christopher Lloyd (04:47):
I'm going to read a list and one of the things on the list doesn't belong there. After I finished reading the list, the first contestant to hit the buzzer, and tell us what shouldn't be on the list wins the quiz. A correct answer is worth four points. Here we go.

About 60% of all calories consumed on earth come from four staple crops. Which of the following is not one of those staple crops? Rice, wheat, maize, apples, or soy. Maya! You are in there like a flash. Tell us, which one did not belong on the list?

Maya (05:27):

Christopher Lloyd (05:27):
Very good, you're right! You win four points. Fantastic!

Maya (05:34):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (05:36):
So at the end of our second quiz, we have Maya in first place with seven points, and in second place is Ella with one point, and Riley is on third place with no points. Now we have to take a short break here, but don't go anywhere because we'll be right back with more of Show What You Know after this word from our sponsor.

Willy Wombat (06:05):
Hiya kids! Willy Wombat here.

Wanda Wombat (06:08):
And don't forget about me, Wanda Wombat!

Willy Wombat (06:13):
We're here to tell you about our new website, Wombats to the Rescue! You can help our wombat rescue team by going to our website, www.cuddly n'cute, where you'll get all the latest wombat updates. Just make sure to have your parent's credit card handy so you can order your very own wombat rescue T-shirt! That's cuddly-

Christopher Lloyd (06:40):
Achoo! Hold on a second.

Willy Wombat (06:42):
Oh, yes Mr. Lloyd?

Christopher Lloyd (06:43):
I'm looking at your website, and there's a picture of a pink wombat. Don't wombats normally have brown fur?

Willy Wombat (06:50):
It's pink cause our wombats are so cute and cuddly! Aww... don't you just love wombats?

Christopher Lloyd (06:58):
I'm also seeing all sorts of spelling mistakes and it says the website comes from a secret source. Well, who is this secret source?

Wanda Wombat (07:09):
Oh, we can't tell you that. Our wombats are kind of shy... and they don't know how to spell big words.

Christopher Lloyd (07:18):
You know what I think? I think this is a total scam.

Willy Wombat (07:22):
Look, pal. We're just trying to make a buck here. I mean... Gee, Mr. Lloyd, that's not very nice.

Christopher Lloyd (07:29):
I'll tell you what's not very nice! Using the internet to spread false information.

Wanda Wombat (07:36):
He's right. I told you this wombat thing was a bad idea. Give me that microphone.

Willy Wombat (07:40):
No, give it back!

Wanda Wombat (07:43):
It's mine!

Willy Wombat (07:43):
We still have 10 seconds left in this commercial! [crash sound effect]

Christopher Lloyd (07:51):
Listen, everyone, the internet is a wonderful source of information, but not everything on the internet is accurate or true. If you see something that doesn't look right, like those silly wombats, use your search engine to check the facts. And whatever you do, don't give any personal information until you first check with your mom or dad. Aaaachoo! All right. Our next quiz is...

Male V.O. (08:15):
Phoney Baloney!

Christopher Lloyd (08:19):
I bet you guys remember this one. There are four incorrect things in the sentences I'm about to read to each of you. And when you hear the wrong thing, what do you shout?

Contestants (08:32):

Christopher Lloyd (08:32):
Great! Now, after you shout "Baloney," you can get an extra point if you tell me what the correct answer is. We'll start with contestant number one, Ella. Ella, if you hear something that doesn't sound right. What do you shout?

Ella (08:49):

Christopher Lloyd (08:49):
Okay, Ella, your subject is cows and greenhouse gases. Here we go.

Meat and dairy products provide essential protein for many of us, but farming animals can be bad for the environment. Grazing cows, for example, emit large amounts of hydrogen when they pass gas and burp.

Ella (09:16):

Christopher Lloyd (09:16):
Okay. What's the problem Ella?

Ella (09:17):
Grazing cows emit methane when they pass gas and burp!

Christopher Lloyd (09:23):
Oh, very well spotted. Of course they do! Not hydrogen, but methane. Okay. Let's continue. Cow burps contain less methane than gas from the other end. It takes a hundred cows to produce 180 kilograms of methane a year.

Ella (09:41):

Christopher Lloyd (09:41):
Okay, what's the problem?

Ella (09:42):
A single cow can produce 180 kilograms of methane a year.

Christopher Lloyd (09:47):
That's incredible knowledge. Well done, Ella, you're absolutely right. Okay. Let's continue: If every person ate one fewer burgers a week for a year, it would have a similar effect to taking 1 million cars off the streets!

Ella (10:03):

Christopher Lloyd (10:04):
Okay. What's the problem, Ella?

Ella (10:05):
It would have a similar effect to taking 10 million cars off of the road.

Christopher Lloyd (10:10):
Wow. 10 million. You really have done your homework, very well, indeed Ella. And you spotted three out of my four incorrect statements. They're the one that slipped through your net was I said, cow burps contain less methane than gas from the other end, actually. Amazing as it sounds, the burps contain even more methane! So at the end of that round, you correctly identified three "Baloneys," and you gave me three correct answers, which gives you a total of six points!

Ella (10:39):
Thank you!

Speaker 1 (10:43):
Next up is Maya, contestant number two. Maya, are you ready for your "Baloneys?"

Maya (10:49):

Christopher Lloyd (10:50):
Okay! Your subject is: Anything, Anywhere. Here we go.

Countries sell goods and raw materials to one another. Huge ships called country ships, carry goods-

Maya (11:05):

Christopher Lloyd (11:05):
-across the oceans. Oo, tell me what's the problem Maya?

Maya (11:07):
They're called container ships.

Christopher Lloyd (11:09):
Oh, very good, indeed. Container ships or I would have accepted cargo ships as well, but that's excellent. Okay. Let's continue: these ships move about a million pounds of cargo around the world every year. There are only about a dozen container ships in the world-

Maya (11:27):

Christopher Lloyd (11:27):
Oh, what's the problem, Maya?

Maya (11:28):
There is more than 5,000 container ships around the world.

Christopher Lloyd (11:33):
You are right. Very good. Okay. Let me carry on to my final sentence: Each container ship needs hundreds of crew members-

Maya (11:40):

Christopher Lloyd (11:40):
What's the problem, Maya?

Maya (11:42):
Surprisingly, they only need 20 crew members.

Christopher Lloyd (11:46):
Very good knowledge. And you're right, what a surprise that is. They only need 20 crew members. So at the end of that round Maya, you spotted three out of my four "Baloneys," but I managed to sneak one by you by saying these ships move about a million pounds of cargo around the world every year. Actually they move billions, not millions of tons of cargo. But you correctly gave me the answers to three that you noticed, so at the end of that round, Maya, you also score a total of six points!

Maya (12:17):
Thank you.

Christopher Lloyd (12:20):
Last, but definitely not least is Riley. Your subject is artificial materials. Here we go.

Artificial materials are materials created by humans, often by changing the properties of materials that exist in nature. Plastic is an artificial material that is made of coal and clay.

Riley (12:42):

Christopher Lloyd (12:44):
Ooh, what's the problem, Riley?

Riley (12:45):
Plastic is an artificial material made of coal and oil.

Christopher Lloyd (12:49):
Oh, very good - made of coal and oil. Fantastic. Here we go: Some kayaks are made of an artificial material called feather glass.

Riley (12:59):

Christopher Lloyd (13:00):
What's the problem, Riley?

Riley (13:02):
It's not feather glass, it's fiberglass.

Christopher Lloyd (13:05):
Of course It is! It's fiberglass! Very good, indeed! Fiberglass is made with glass fibers and wood fibers.

Riley (13:13):

Christopher Lloyd (13:14):
What's the problem Riley?

Riley (13:16):
Fiberglass isn't made of wood fibers it's made of glass and plastic fibers.

Christopher Lloyd (13:20):
Very good, of course! It's made of plastic fibers. Excellent. And here's into our final sentence: Bullet proof vests are made of crinoline a material-

Riley (13:29):

Christopher Lloyd (13:29):
What's the problem. Riley?

Riley (13:32):
It's not whatev- crillo..tine, it's kevlar.

Christopher Lloyd (13:35):
It's kevlar! A material made of plastic fibers, absolutely right. Riley, you spotted all four "Baloneys." You gave correct answers each time, which gives you a total of eight points!

Riley (13:48):
Thank you!

Christopher Lloyd (13:51):
Let's take a moment to check the scores. We have Maya in first place with 13 points. And in second place, we have Riley with eight points, and just behind is Ella in third place with seven points! Now remember, we still have two more quizzes to go. So all of these points are going to change. Aaachoo! [phone ringing] I have a funny feeling. I know who this is. Hello?

Otto (14:24):
Christopher Lloyd. This is Otto.

Christopher Lloyd (14:27):
Oh, everyone, as you probably know by now, Otto is a robot who is staying at my house. Otto, you have to stop calling me here. I'm about to do another quiz.

Otto (14:37):
This will not take long. Otto noticed Christopher Lloyd is sneezing. Otto has a cure for his cold.

Christopher Lloyd (14:43):
A cure for my cold? What are you talking about?

Otto (14:47):
Otto read about Dr. Willem Kolff in the encyclopedia. Dr. Kolff built an artificial kidney using a washing machine.

Christopher Lloyd (14:53):
Yes, Dr. Kolff was a brilliant scientist. He had few supplies, so he improvised. That’s how he ended up building an artificial kidney using a washing machine. But what does this got to do with my cold?

Otto (15:07):
Dr. Kolff inspired Otto. Otto has glued together three hairdryers. When Otto blows the warm air on Christopher Lloyd, he won’t be cold anymore.

Christopher Lloyd (15:16):
Otto. That's not how you get rid of a cold. Now, listen, I really don't have time for this. [dial tone] Otto? Otto? Hmm. I guess he hung up. Well, let’s get on with the show. Our next quiz is…

Female V.O. (15:32):

Christopher Lloyd (15:33):
For this quiz, I am going to ask each of you a series of 10 rapid fire questions. Every time you answer a question correctly, you get one point. But if you don't know the answer, just say pass or don't know, and we'll move on. You each have 45 seconds to get through the questions. Aaachoo! So let's begin. Maya, your first question starts... now:

To the nearest half billion, how many people live on earth today?

Maya (16:06):
7.5 billion.

Christopher Lloyd (16:08):
Brilliant. What company was founded by the richest person in the world?

Maya (16:12):

Christopher Lloyd (16:13):
Very good. What is the most populated metropolitan area in the world?

Maya (16:19):

Christopher Lloyd (16:19):
Brilliant. Who was the first YouTube video to be viewed more than a billion times?

Maya (16:26):
Gagnam Style.

Christopher Lloyd (16:27):
In what year did the number of online devices on earth exceed the number of humans?

Maya (16:33):

Christopher Lloyd (16:34):
About what percentage of the world's flowering plants depend on pollinators, such as bees?

Maya (16:39):

Christopher Lloyd (16:41):
Oh good try. The answer is actually 90%. What type of crane uses magnets to raise the train off the rails?

Maya (16:49):
Um, pass.

Christopher Lloyd (16:50):
Okay. Your answer is Maglev. Oh, there's the buzzer, time's up! That was awesome. Maya, you correctly answered five out of seven questions!

Maya (17:02):
Thank you.

Christopher Lloyd (17:02):
Riley. You're next, your first question is going to start... now.

What do we call a disease that spreads across large regions of the globe?

Riley (17:11):

Christopher Lloyd (17:13):
The richest 1% of people own about what percentage of the world's wealth?

Riley (17:17):

Christopher Lloyd (17:18):
In what country is the world's most polluted city?

Riley (17:22):

Christopher Lloyd (17:22):
Very good. What is currently the world's most popular social media platform?

Riley (17:28):

Christopher Lloyd (17:28):
Brilliant. What branch of medicine involves the use of extremely small technology?

Riley (17:34):

Christopher Lloyd (17:34):
Nanomedicine, excellent. What is the term for a species at very high risk of extinction?

Riley (17:40):

Christopher Lloyd (17:41):
What famous graph plots the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since 1958?

Riley (17:48):

Christopher Lloyd (17:49):
Nuclear power plants currently use what type of nuclear reaction, which involves the splitting of atoms?

Riley (17:54):
Nuclear fission.

Christopher Lloyd (17:56):
Brilliant. What important- Oh, well done, indeed. That was fantastically good, Riley. You managed to get all the answers correct, except for one which you passed, which was question seven. And the answer about the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the Keeling Curve. So you scored a total of seven points!

Riley (18:19):
Thank you!

Christopher Lloyd (18:19):
And here's the last set of questions for Ella. Ella, are you ready?

Ella (18:24):

Christopher Lloyd (18:24):
Okay, here we go. Where is the Global Seed Vault that stores more than a million seed varieties in case of emergency?

Ella (18:34):

Christopher Lloyd (18:34):
In what year was the World Wide Web unveiled?

Ella (18:38):

Christopher Lloyd (18:39):
What artificial material is used to make parachutes and instrument strings?

Ella (18:44):

Christopher Lloyd (18:45):
Oh, very good. What do we call the process by which human and natural activities cause dry areas of land to become desert?

Ella (18:53):

Christopher Lloyd (18:55):
That's a tricky one. The answer is desertification. What is the term for an event in which many species of animals die in a short space of time?

Ella (19:04):
Extinction event.

Christopher Lloyd (19:04):
Brilliant. Raising temperatures cause sea levels to do what?

Ella (19:09):
To rise.

Christopher Lloyd (19:10):
Excellent. What company began developing self driving cars in 2009?

Ella (19:17):

Christopher Lloyd (19:17):
Oh, good try! The answer is Google. In what country? Oh, there's the buzzer. Time's up. Ella. You correctly answered five out of seven questions. So that means you get a total of five points!

Ella (19:29):
Thank you!

Christopher Lloyd (19:34):
Aaacho! Oh, I need to take a break. And it's perfect timing too, because this is the part of the show where the contestants get to ask some questions. And today we have the pleasure of welcoming Dr. Erik Gregersen to the show. Dr. Gregersen is a senior editor at Britannica, specializing in the physical sciences and technology. Before joining Encyclopaedia Britannica in 2007, he worked at the University of Chicago Press on the Astrophysical Journal. Dr. Gregersen, welcome to Show What You Know!

Dr. Erik Gregersen (20:06):
Hello, Chris, thanks for inviting me.

Christopher Lloyd (20:08):
Well, it's great to have you. And I don't want to keep our contestants waiting any longer, so let's get right to the questions. Ella, why don't we start with you? What would you like to ask Dr. Gregerson?

Ella (20:21):
Hello Dr. Gregersen! How can we make technology more efficient and helpful for the environment?

Dr. Erik Gregersen (20:26):
I think the best way to make technology better for the environment is to have it use less energy, which you know, energy of course is carbon intensive process. A lot of our energy does come from fossil fuels, but the percentage around the world, percentage of energy coming from renewable energy is increasing. So things are getting better, but still, probably not as fast as they should be.

Christopher Lloyd (20:47):
Well, that's a great question, and I guess we've all got to be conscious of trying to use less energy and consume less and let's see if we can make that transition even faster. Okay, onto our next contestant. Maya, what question have you got for Dr. Gregersen?

Maya (21:01):
Hello. I was wondering in terms of technology, how did man advance by getting to the moon and based off your answer, how do you think man will advance when we get on Mars?

Dr. Erik Gregersen (21:12):
Well, uh, you know, getting to the moon was a very long process that took, like, about 10 years from deciding to do it. And how we would advance, once we get on Mars, we would need quite a bit of new technology to get there. You know, we would need new ways for astronauts to survive on Mars, even just surviving the trip, because they would be outside of the protection of Earth's magnetosphere, which keeps a lot of our cosmic radiation out. And there would be quite a lot of new technologies needed to just survive on Mars because once you're there, you have to grow your own food, you have to recirculate your own water. So there would be quite a lot of technological advancement needed just for survival on Mars.

Christopher Lloyd (21:53):
Well that is fascinating, and of course brings us onto our last contestant. Riley, what would you like to ask Dr. Gregersen?

Riley (21:59):
Hi, Dr. Gregersen. Do you think it is really possible to wire human brains to computers in the future, and what are your thoughts on it?

Dr. Erik Gregersen (22:07):
I suspect it will be, and we are starting to have the first glimmers of a direct sort of computer-brain interface. But would I do it myself, I kind of feel probably not, but I think we are still quite long ways away from something like you see in the movie, "The Matrix" where you just stick a wire in the back of your head and you're ready to go into some amazing 3D virtual reality experience that is indistinguishable from reality. So it's a, it's an interesting area of development. And I think for people who are visually impaired or have other issues like that, it would be quite an advancement.

Christopher Lloyd (22:46):
Well, that is just fascinating. What three amazingly brilliant questions. Dr. Gregersen, what a privilege it is for us to have you here to give us an insight into the future. So we thank you so much for coming on to Show What You Know, and we hope you can stick around, because we're coming up to the last question of the game! [pounding on door]

That's odd. Someone's at the door. Come in! Otto! What are you doing here?

Otto (23:16):
Otto has come to take away your cold. Please stay seated while I blow hot air on you.

Christopher Lloyd (23:22):
Otto no! Otto no! Turn those hairdryers off!

Otto (23:22):
Otto was trying to repair you.

Christopher Lloyd (23:30):
Otto, humans can’t be repaired like machines. We’re far too complex. For all of our medical advances, there’s still so much we don’t know about the human organism. Aaaaachoo! Like, how to cure the common cold.

Otto (23:45):
Humans are strange creatures. Otto is going home.

Christopher Lloyd (23:51):
Otto, wait! You came all this way to the studio. How would you like to help me finish up the show?

Otto (23:57):
Thank you. My positronic brain is ready to assist you.

Christopher Lloyd (24:00):
Otto, take it away!

Otto (24:03):
Here's the next quiz...

Announcer (24:05):
Bonus Round!

Otto (24:08):
Right now we have Maya in the lead with 18 points. Riley is in second place with 15 points. And Ella, you're in third place with 12 points.

Christopher Lloyd (24:20):
But each of you can double your score if you can give the right answer to this next question. Now, who can tell me what happens next?

Contestants (24:30):
You're going to play a song!

Christopher Lloyd (24:30):
That's absolutely right. I am going to ask you to listen to a song. And as you're listening to the song, I want you to send me a secret message telling me what, or who, you think the song is about.

Otto (24:42):
Everyone listen. Here is the song.

SONG (24:50):
As technology grows, we’ve found other forms of power.
Alternatives to fossil fuels,
Electricity coming from wind and solar power,
Are innovative, valuable tools.

It’s a kind of conservation
that helps the world’s climate improve.
This use of energy has a name.
What’s the answer? You know it’s your move.

So show that you know what you know.
You know what you know.
You know what you know, oh yeahhhh!

Otto (25:31):
That was an amazing song. I was swinging my hips the whole time.

Christopher Lloyd (25:35):
Now I hope you've all been typing in your answers, telling me what you think that song was about. And after you hear me count to three, I want you to press your buzzers and show me your answers. Are you ready?

Contestants (25:48):

Christopher Lloyd (25:48):
One, two, three!

Otto (25:50):
Fantastic. We have three answers, but only one of them is correct. Riley. You have the correct answer. And the answer is.... renewable energy.

Christopher Lloyd (26:06):
So the final scores are in! We have Ella in third place with 12 points, and we have Maya who is in second place with 18 points. But in a come from behind victory, we have Riley who is in first place with a total of 30 points, which makes Riley our champion of champions!

Riley (26:26):
Thank you!

Christopher Lloyd (26:31):
Before we hand out the prizes. I want to thank all returning contestants for playing Show What You Know. Ella, Maya, and Riley, it was great to have you back on the show again. And I hoped you enjoyed here as much as much as I enjoyed having you. So that just leaves it to Kurt. Why don't you tell our contestants what they won?

Announcer (26:50):
Thanks Chris. Our returning contestants have already received a copy of the Britannica All New Kids’ Encyclopedia: What We Know & What We Don’t, and for their encore appearance they’ve just won a copy of Chris’s own book Absolutely Everything! A History of Earth, Dinosaurs, Rulers, Robots and Other Things Too Numerous to Mention. And today’s grand-prize winner, and the reigning champion of Show What You Know, will be receiving a $100 Amazon gift certificate.

Christopher Lloyd (27:23):
Thank you, everyone, for joining us. We hope you have enjoyed the series, and if you want to learn more, you can visit our website at Or, better yet, pick up a copy of the Britannica All New Kids’ Encyclopedia: What We Know & What We Don’t. You’ll find all the answers to every quiz we’ve ever done, and so much more. Until we meet again, this is Christopher Lloyd, reminding all of you that the real world is far more amazing than anything you can make up. Ah,ah, aaachoo! Say good-bye, Otto.

Otto (27:52):
Goodbye, Otto.

Announcer (27:53):
Sound engineer and editor for Show What You Know, is Ryan Staples. Our Q&A researchers are Alison Eldridge, Joan Lackowski and Fia Bigelow. Our production assistant is Emily Goldstein. Chris’s guests today were Ella, Maya, and Riley. The music was by Jacob Denny. Original songs by Dennis Scott. Show What You Know was written, directed and produced by Rick Siggelkow. Our executive producer is Rick Livingston, and I’m your announcer, Kurt Heintz. This program is copyrighted by Encyclopaedia Britannica, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

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