“Understanding Functional Extinction”

John Rafferty of Encyclopædia Britannica and Dr. Andrew Solow of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution discuss the concept of functional extinction. This is the sixth part of the Postcards from the 6th Mass Extinction audio series.


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Hi, I'm John Rafferty, I am the editor for Earth Sciences at Encyclopaedia Britannica, and today we are doing something a little bit different. If you've listened to the other episodes in this series, you know that I tend to focus on the conservation challenges that animals face in today's world.

In this episode, I'll be tackling the concept of functional extinction, a term that came to the fore in late 2019 because of its association with Australia's koala. The concept of functional extinction has been around in ecological circles for many years, however.

Today, we'll be taking a look at functional extinction as it relates to the koala and other species, we'll hear from environmental statistician Andrew Solow about what functional extinction means, and we will consider the ways in which functional extinction affects an ecosystem.

And should you miss something during this podcast, please know that you can find it again our website.

The Australian dry season of 2019 to 2020 will be best known for its wildfires. By January 2020, more than 6.3 million hectares (or nearly 25,000 square miles) of parkland, grassland, and wilderness had burned.

Bolstered by the continent's warmest and driest year on record, the fires have displaced much of Australia's wildlife, killing more than two dozen people and, by some estimates, several million animals.

One of the animals grabbing the headlines amidst the conflagration is the koala, a tree-dwelling marsupial that lives along the coasts of eastern Australia, where it feeds very selectively on the leaves of certain eucalyptus trees. The cute and cuddly koala is one of the enduring and beloved symbols of the country, and thus Australians (as well as people throughout the world) are interested in its conservation and long-term survival. Relatively recent population surveys estimate that there are 100,000 to 500,000 adult koalas; however, the environmental group Australian Koala Foundation disputes this. The group suggests that they may be far fewer - perhaps as few as 80,000 animals of all ages - and that the koala might functionally extinct in Australia. This claim - when combined with photographs of injured koalas standing in hellish landscapes of burning trees and taking water from bottles provided by firefighters - has generated an outpouring of concern in the press and on social media.

* Has some 80 percent of the koala's habitat really been lost to the wildfires?
* Was the koala really functionally extinct?
* Could Earth lose this animal forever?
* What did all of this mean?

Well, the International Union for Conservation for Nature and Natural Resources (or IUCN), the consortium or scientists and wildlife experts that track the conservation status of thousands of species, still consider the koala vulnerable. Wildfires, habitat loss due to urban sprawl, logging, and agriculture are significant threats to the species, and these should be taken seriously, but the species appears to be in far better shape than some environmental organizations would have you believe.

Recently, I had a chance to catch up with Andrew Solow, a statistician who examines functional extinction and other ecological issues at the Marine Policy Center of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Solow also remains skeptical of the koala's conservation status, and he provided some context for his reasoning:

So, there've been claims that the fires have caused functional extinction of the koala. Based on my reading of that and not any kind of in-depth analysis, I'm sort of skeptical and there are two main reasons for that.
The first is that the numbers of surviving koalas that are cited in that literature (other people who are knowledgeable about this species say are) are much too low. There are actually more individuals, [that] have survived then then may have initially appeared. So, the impact on the population itself is not as large as as some have feared.

Not, not that any of this is a good thing, mind you it's a tragedy. But the second point is that the koalas, they have a particular kind of habitat that they live in, and that habitat is widely distributed in Australia.
So, it would be terrible and possible that one population in one part of Australia does become extinct - functionally extinct and then extinct - or just wiped out, but there are other populations on the continent that wouldn't. So it's, it's diversified its portfolio a little bit. So, those two things together make me think that it's premature to suggest that the koala is functionally extinct.


Functional extinction is not extinction, but from the perspective of the ecosystem, it might as well be. In our conventional understanding, extinction takes place when the very last member of a species dies.

Generally speaking, functional extinction occurs when a species' numbers are so small that the species does not affect the ecosystem around it; it stops playing a significant role in moving nutrients around or interacting with other species by competing with them, providing food for them, or preying on them.

Solow also provided his take on what functional extinction is: he had two explanations:

Could we talk about what functional extinction is? Perhaps you have some sort of mental definition that you could provide and what functional extinction means to you?

Sure. So, actually, in broad terms, the term functional extinction is used in two different ways in ecology. One way it's used is when a, when a population, and say an animal population, is reduced to the point that, although it's not extinct or even necessarily in danger of extinction, it's no longer playing the same function in an ecosystem that it used to.

The kind of thing I'm thinking here is that, you know, in the part of the United States where I live, the top predator on land used to be the wolf and, other large predators here, but those populations had been diminished over the centuries by human activity. And so the Wolf is no longer, although it's not extinct, it's no longer a top predator in the ecosystem here.

The second kind, which is the one that I've been more interested in. Um, the term functional extinction refers to a situation where even though a population or a species is not extinct in the sense that individuals are still alive, that the population has experienced reproductive failure. And so, it's no longer producing young to replace it. So, it's a step away from being truly extinct.

In addition:
* A species made up of old individuals, that is, those that are beyond their reproductive age is also said to be functionally extinct, along with a species whose members cannot find each other.

So, if all of the animals in the population have reached the point where they are no longer capable of reproduction, then that species is, would be considered, functionally extinct. It can also happen though - you can have functional extinction when there are still are animals - individuals that are capable of reproducing, but for some reason are not. That's a classic cause of functional extension.

And a species suffering from inbreeding (where closely related individuals mate) might also be said to be functionally extinct - because the build-up of harmful genes that were recessive in both parents often result in decreased vigor, size, and fertility of the offspring.

So, despite the variety of perspectives, we could say that functional extinction is largely affected by a species' reproductive success and its influence over the environment that it lives in.

In biological communities, different plants and animals interact with one another in a variety of ways. Some species are generalists (meaning that they can tolerate a wide range of conditions, types of food, etc.). And some are specialists (meaning that they tolerate narrow ranges of conditions - perhaps they only eat one type of food or live in only one part of the ecosystem).

Some scientists suggest that a species becomes functionally extinct if a fall in its population causes another species in the community to become extinct, even though the functionally extinct species remains. So, what follows is that a species can lose its value or functionality before every last member dies out.

In 2016, Solow and other researchers developed a statistical method for detecting when a species had become functionally extinct. He examined two. The first, sturgeons in Europe's Danube river.

And so, we had some data, not a lot of data about the ages of sturgeons in the Danube that Dima captured. And we were able to infer from that using a - sort of elaborate - too elaborate to describe here I would say - a statistical method. We were able to conclude that in fact this species is functionally extinct in the Danube and that the functional extinction probably occurred in the early 2000s, around 2002, 2005, something like that. So that was based, as I said, on seeing how the age distribution of the stock of the fish is changing over time.

The second, the Passenger Pigeon, one of the world's most famous extinct species:

We looked at the question as to whether the passenger pigeon in the United States, which is extinct, but whether it had become functionally extinct before it became fully extinct. And the data in that case was based on collections of the birds, themselves, and of their eggs. And the idea here is that if a population has become functionally extinct, you would continue to be able to collect birds well past the point where you were no longer able to find any eggs. That would be evidence of functional extension. So, we developed a method for doing that, and in that case we determined that the passenger pigeon in fact did not become functionally extinct prior to its actual extinction. So, it was still capable of reproducing as a population.

I then went on to ask him about the types of species that were vulnerable to functional extinction:

So, long lived animals are typically more susceptible to extinction than animals that produce offspring annually, sometimes in enormous numbers. Animals that require a lot of, a lot of habitat, a lot of area - because if areas lost to development or to forest fires as in Australia, the remaining areas not able to maintain a population size sufficient to have reproductive success.

Now it's important to understand that functional extinction does not have to be a death sentence. I brought up the honesty of the California condor:

I think there's very little question that the California condor was headed to extinction. Whether it was functionally extinct is not clear. No. Nobody really analyzed that, but it was headed that way. There was a captive breeding program that has turned out to be successful. Now, it's probably a little too early to say, but it sounds like that has overcome, or is headed towards overcoming, the problem of the true extinction of that species. These individuals that have been released back into the wild, they're reproducing, so if they're protected and something bad doesn't happen to them, that population may reestablish itself. Now, how abundant it will have to be before it starts serving the ecological function that it did before all of this happened. I don't know the answer to that, but it would. This would be a way of overcoming the second definition of functional extinction.

Even if a species is not eliminated completely from the ecosystem, its niche (the role the species plays in the ecosystems it inhabits) diminishes as its numbers fall. If the niches filled by a single species or a group of species are critical to the proper functioning of the ecosystem, a sudden decline in numbers can alter the ecosystem' s structure. For example, clearing trees from a forest eliminates the shading, the temperature and moisture regulation, animal habitat, and nutrient transport services they provide to the ecosystem. The forest (with all of its nooks, crannies, and microhabitats for plants and animals) stops being a forest and becomes something else, maybe a shrubland or a grassland, which is far less biologically diverse than what it was.
When too many plants and animals become functionally extinct, the ecosystems in which they live can change. If this ecosystem exists close to where you live - or you rely on it for your food, the raw materials in your medicines, and other environmental services - its collapse and restructuring could mean something to you.

It's an opportunity to intervene before it's too late, so nobody should feel good that a species is functionally extinct but not extinct, because if we don't do something about it pretty quickly, in most cases, it will be extinct soon. No comfort should be drawn from that distinction except for the possible existence of an opportunity to prevent the ultimate extinction.

At the personal level, add native trees, shrubs, and other plants to your backyard or garden. In order to keep local animals around (including bees and other native pollinators), we need to change our idea of what makes up a beautiful backyard. Resist the urge to maintain a green manicured lawn with pesticides and fertilizers.
Give to environmental organizations that work to protect individual threatened species - such as the World Wildlife Fund, African Wildlife Foundation, and Save the Rhino International. And for koala conservation, in particular, you can contact the state governments of New South Wales and other Australian states to donate to programs to help sick and injured animals and rehabilitate habitat.

Donate some of your spare change and time to environmental organizations that work to protect wildlife habitat - such as the Nature Conservancy, National Audubon Society, Sierra Club, and Conservation International.
Get the word out. Engage friends, acquaintances, and family in conversations about endangered species, extinction, and the meaning of functional extinction. Elect leaders at local and national levels who understand the value of protecting species and their habitats. More specifically elect officials who have a record of passing laws and enacting policies that strongly consider species and guard against the things that threaten them (overhunting, pollution, conversion of natural areas to agriculture and human living space, and climate change).

Thank you for listening today, and I hope you learned something new about a rising concept in our collective consciousness - functional extinction.

I also hope that you were able to understand how functional extinction affects several species, perhaps even some that you've heard about. I hope you realized that functional extinction can be overcome but not without extreme investments of money, time, and ecological expertise.

Don't forget, you can catch up on anything you might have missed on Britannica.com. Learn more about extinction and its causes from our article located at www.britannica.com/science/extinction-biology.
There you can also find other parts of this podcast series.

More information on koalas, sturgeons and global warming can be found at www.britannica.com.
Understanding Functional Extinction.

Story by: John Rafferty

Produced by: Kurt Heintz

This is the sixth part of the Postcards from the 6th Mass Extinction series.

This program is copyrighted by Encyclopaedia Britannica Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

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