On This Day: May 3

Kurt Heintz of Encyclopædia Britannica considers the legacy of Margaret Mitchell, who won a Pulitzer Prize for Gone with the Wind on May 3, 1937, and much more.
Host: Kurt Heintz.


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On This Day, for May 3, by Britannica.
I’m Kurt Heintz. Today we’re looking at:
• the iron determination of a pioneering woman
• the freedom to live where one wishes
• and a good tune for a whole lot of beer
Here’s our first story.
Margaret Mitchell won a Pulitzer Prize on this day in 1937, for her novel Gone with the Wind. Its popularity encouraged the making of a film, and the title is probably better known today because of that film. Movie producer David O. Selznik at Warner Brothers picked up the film rights within a month of the book’s release. By 1939, Gone with the Wind had become an Oscar-winning film.
Gone with the Wind is about Scarlett O’Hara, a young woman coming into the society of the antebellum South just as the American Civil War begins. It follows O’Hara’s life, loves, and fortunes through the Reconstruction. The novel came together through Mitchell’s years of drafting and trying alternative versions of episodes and scenes, influenced by the natural storytellers in her own Georgia family. The novel was written not in a linear manner but rather as separate chapters in Mitchell’s own order. When the Macmillan Company sought a draft for review, Mitchell gave the publisher a disorganized collection of draft chapters. Despite that, Macmillan saw potential in her writing and, in the summer of 1936, offered her a publishing contract.
In 2001, long after Margaret Mitchell passed away, her estate sued to block the publication of Alice Randall’s The Wind Done Gone, which the book’s publisher called an “unauthorized parody” of Gone with the Wind, told from a former slave’s perspective. The case was settled out of court. The events nonetheless spotlighted two distinct and lasting points of view about the novel’s period: one of romance and plantation life and the other of subjugation. Randall’s book remains in print today.
Speaking of pioneering women named Margaret whose legacies prompt divided opinions to this day… Margaret Thatcher was elected prime minister of the United Kingdom on this day in 1979. She held that post through 1990. She was the first woman in Europe to hold an elected national leading role such as her premiership. By the end of her tenure, she had become the longest continuously serving British premier since 1827.
Though she was elected decades ago, Thatcher spoke to politics that are very present today, not only in Britain but also in the United States and elsewhere. She advocated greater independence of the individual from the state, an end to allegedly excessive government interference in the economy, and reduced spending on social services such as health care, education, and housing. Thatcher’s conservatism resonated with U.S. President Ronald Reagan, who took office in 1981, and in many ways was echoed decades later by President Donald Trump.
In time, the term Thatcherism came to refer not just to Margaret Thatcher’s governmental policies but also to aspects of her ethical outlook and personal style, including moral absolutism, fierce nationalism, and a combative, uncompromising approach to achieving political goals. Her refusal to compromise could be a virtue in a war context. Here, in an interview from 1996, Thatcher reflects on Saddam Hussein and the first Persian Gulf conflict:
[ Margaret Thatcher: ]
Aggressors must be stopped. Not only stopped but they must be thrown out. An aggressor cannot gain from his aggression. He must be thrown out and really, by that time in my mind, I thought we ought to throw him out so decisively that he could never think of doing it again.
[ narrator: ]
That clip is courtesy of PBS.
But in matters of civil justice and the welfare of the British people, Thatcher was met with confrontation, foreshadowing the tone of politics today where other leaders follow similar policies.
And now, some Fast Facts for May 3.
Singer, actor, and songwriter Bing Crosby was born on this day in 1903 in Tacoma, Washington. While he began his music career as a so-called crooner, he mastered the creation of music for films, radio broadcasts, and sound recordings and thus is regarded as a media pioneer.
Another birthday today, this one for Golda Meir, a founder of the State of Israel and from 1969 to 1974 its fourth prime minister. She was born on this day in 1898 in Kiev, Ukraine, in the Russian Empire. Stateside, Meir is also known as a daughter of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where her family settled in 1906.
Restrictive covenants—essentially, contracts where property owners pledged not to sell to certain racial or religious groups—barred those groups from many communities. On this day in 1948 the Supreme Court declared that racially restrictive covenants could not be enforced.
On this day in 1986, veteran jockey Bill Shoemaker—or, as some fans liked to call him, Willie Shoemaker—became the oldest person to win the Kentucky Derby, riding on Ferdinand. Shoemaker was 54.
On this day in 1996, 55 countries agreed to ban or limit the use of nondetectable antipersonnel land mines. The agreement went into force in 1998.
Oktoberfest is months away, but, for a lot of folks, it’s never too early to enjoy a good beer with a good song. On this day in 1939, the Andrews Sisters recorded the "Beer Barrel Polka." It became widely known as "Roll Out the Barrel" because of that famous line in the song.
But this song did not originate in the United States. It really is a European polka. The melody was composed in 1927 by a Czech. Then in 1934 it was picked up in Germany, where it acquired lyrics—in German, naturally. The song then became widely known in Europe as “Rosamunde,” a sweet romance about shy longing for a woman named Rosamunde.
Since this song is a polka, these would be parties with plenty of beer.
Skip ahead only five years, and the melody finds a new life in America, with new lyrics in English. Gone are the pining and celebration for sweet Rosamunde. In America, the English version is all about dancing a polka and rolling out the beer barrel, with American swing.
After the Andrews Sisters enjoyed their hit with the song, others artists, such as Glenn Miller, drank the draught of beer barrel popularity. But if you should find a present-day video online of Dutch, Czechs, or Germans enjoying “Rosamunde,” you’ll recognize that the melody is still going strong and recognize the beer and dancing you know from Oktoberfest. This song is always about party time, no matter the language.
If you are curious about beer, recording technology, or even the history of foreign policy, take a look at Britannica.com. We have the balanced and researched stories.
Thanks for listening. For Britannica, I’m Kurt Heintz.
This program is copyrighted by Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. All rights reserved.
On This Day: May 03 | page 5

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