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1 paint /ˈpeɪnt/ noun
plural paints
1 paint
plural paints
Britannica Dictionary definition of PAINT
: a liquid that dries to form a thin colored layer when it is spread on a surface
see also greasepaint, oil paint, spray paint
[singular] : a layer of dried paint on a surface
called also (British) paintwork
2 paint /ˈpeɪnt/ verb
paints; painted; painting
2 paint
paints; painted; painting
Britannica Dictionary definition of PAINT
[+ object] : to cover (something) with paint : to put paint on (something)
: to make (a picture or design) by using paints
[+ object]
[no object]
compare draw
[+ object] : to describe (someone or something) in a particular way
[+ object] : to put makeup on (a part of the body)

paint over

[phrasal verb]
paint over (something)
: to cover (something) with a layer of paint

paint the town (red)

: to go out drinking, dancing, etc., to have a good time