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Garrett Albert Duncan

Associate Professor of Education and Associate Professor of African and African-American Studies, Washington University in St. Louis. His contributions to SAGE Publications' Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice formed the basis of his contributions to Britannica.

Primary Contributions (1)
Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton
Black Panther Party, African American revolutionary party, founded in 1966 in Oakland, California, by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. The party’s original purpose was to patrol African American neighborhoods to protect residents from acts of police brutality. The Panthers eventually developed into…
Publications (1)
Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice. THREE VOLUME SET
Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice. THREE VOLUME SET (April 2007)

The Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice presents a comprehensive overview of the field with topics of varying dimensions, breadth, and length. This three-volume Encyclopedia is designed for readers to understand the topics, concepts, and ideas that motivate and shape the fields of activism, civil engagement, and social justice and includes biographies of the major thinkers and leaders who have influenced and continue to influence the study of activism.