Joaquín Álvarez Quintero
Spanish writer
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main reference
- In Álvarez Quintero brothers
brothers who collaborated in almost 200 dramas depicting the life, manners, and speech of Andalusia. Serafín Álvarez Quintero (b. March 26, 1871, Utrera, Sevilla, Spain—d. April 12, 1938, Madrid) and Joaquín Álvarez Quintero (b. Jan. 20, 1873, Utrera, Sevilla, Spain—d. June 14, 1944, Madrid) produced…
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Spanish literature
- In Spanish literature: Drama
Serafín and Joaquín Alvarez Quintero appropriated the latter’s popular costumbrista setting for comedy, while Carlos Arniches developed it in satirical pieces (often compared with the 18th-century sainete) and Pedro Muñoz Seca used it in popular farces. More-intellectual theatrical experiments by Unamuno attempted the drama of ideas; Azorín…
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