Guidobaldo Montefeltro
Italian noble
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association with Castiglione
- In humanism: Later Italian humanism
…the court of Federico’s son Guidobaldo, would be saddened by its decline and shocked when another of his patrons, the “model” Renaissance prince Charles V, ordered the sack of Rome. To a large extent, the cause of these and other vicissitudes lay in the nature of the movement itself, for…
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Montefeltro family
- In Montefeltro Family
…Guidobaldo was the last ruling Montefeltro; dispossessed by Cesare Borgia in 1502, he recovered his state, but being without heirs adopted his nephew Francesco Maria della Rovere, into whose family Urbino then passed. His court, a notable centre of culture, is commemorated in Baldassare Castiglione’s Il cortegiano (1528).
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