Dante: Media

Italian poet


Why has Dante's Inferno been important to Irish writers and artists?
Learn about the importance of Dante's Inferno to Irish writers and artists.
Video: University College Cork, Ireland (A Britannica Publishing Partner)


Italian poet Dante Alighieri, oil on panel by an unknown artist, c. 1550; in the...
Yale University Art Gallery, University purchase from James Jackson Jarves (1871.85)
Portrait of Dante with Beatrice and Virgil
Portrait of Dante Alighieri wearing a laurel wreath and holding a book. Beatrice...
Courtesy of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Gustave Doré: Dante and Virgil beset by demons on their passage through the eighth circle of Hell
Dante and Virgil beset by demons on their passage through the eighth circle of Hell...
© Photos.com/Getty Images
Gustave Doré: Dante, guided by Virgil, observes those guilty of simony in the eighth circle of Hell
Dante (standing right), guided by Virgil, watches those guilty of simony suffer burning...
From Dante's Inferno, from the original of Dante Alighieri, translated by Rev. Henry Francis Carey, 1886
Engraving from Dante's Inferno by Gustave Doré, 1861.
Courtesy of the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris
William-Adolphe Bouguereau: Dante and Virgile
Dante and Virgile (also known as Dante and Virgil in Hell), oil...
© Universal History Archive—Universal Images Group/Getty Images
Domenico di Michelino: Dante Reading from the Divine Comedy
Dante Reading from the Divine Comedy, painting by Domenico di Michelino,...
© Alfred Dagli Orti—REX/Shutterstock.com