Arthur Holmes
British geologist
Learn about this topic in these articles:
age of Earth
- In geochronology: An absolute age framework for the stratigraphic time scale
…the age of the Earth, Arthur Holmes, a student of Strutt, compared the relative (paleontologically determined) stratigraphic ages of certain specimens with their numerical ages as determined in the laboratory. This 1911 analysis provided for the first time the numerical ages for rocks from several Paleozoic geologic periods as well…
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continental drift theory
- In plate tectonics: Driving forces
…European geologists, and in England Arthur Holmes pointed out that the lack of a driving force was insufficient grounds for rejecting the entire concept. In 1929 Holmes proposed an alternative mechanism—convection of the mantle—which remains today a serious candidate for the force driving the plates. Wegener’s ideas also were well…
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