recitativo secco


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  • In recitative

    Recitativo secco (“dry recitative”) is sung with a free rhythm dictated by the accents of the words. Accompaniment, usually by continuo (cello and harpsichord), is simple and chordal. The melody approximates speech by using only a few pitches. The second variety, recitativo stromentato, or accompanied…

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comparison to recitativo accompagnato

  • shofar
    In Western music: Neapolitan opera

    …were, first, the distinction between recitativo secco (dry recitative), accompanied by the continuo, and recitativo accompagnato, or stromentato, accompanied by the orchestra, and, second, the establishment of the Italian overture. Called a sinfonia, the overture in three parts (fast–slow–fast) evolved into the symphony during the 18th century. Alessandro Scarlatti was…

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