Kāngra painting
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Indian painting
- In South Asian arts: Pahari style: Kāngra school
The Basohlī style began to fade by the mid-18th century, being gradually replaced by the Kāngra style, named after the state of Kāngra but, like the Basohlī style, of much wider prevalence. A curvilinear line, easy flowing rhythms, calmer colours, and a mood…
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types of Pahari painting
- In Pahari painting
… and the delicate and lyrical Kangra. Pahari painting—sometimes referred to as Hill painting (pahārī, “of the hills”)—is closely related in conception and feeling to Rājasthanī painting and shares with the Rājput art of the North Indian plains a preference for depicting legends of the cowherd god Krishna.
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